Chapter 10.0

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    Two months had passed since Dick's death. Y/n was currently walking through an alley in Gotham. He wore dirty jeans, a gray sweatshirt and a black jacket. All of his clothes looked ragged. His hair was messy and the cold air made his skin red. He was still limping slightly on his broken leg, mostly healed. "Hey, Y/n!" A man yelled, his accent apparent. "Where's my money?" He approached Y/n, him and his four boys flanked. "I don't owe you anything." "Bullshit, if you can't pay me I'll just beat it out of you. Get him, boys!"

    Y/n took off running. His right leg burned, but he still pushed himself to go faster through the alley. Y/n tried to draw in more air, but the cold wind was choking him out. But he smiled as he ran. Y/n pushed over trash cans behind him. He surveyed the area. His options were to keep running and try to lose them. Climb up the buildings and risk being caught or falling from the roof even. Or he would need to stop and fight. Maybe a mix of all three.

    Y/n turned a corner, deciding what he was gonna do. The thugs stopped in the alley. "Where is he?" One asked. One guy ran around the corner, only to be met by Y/n swinging a plank of wood to hit him in the face. He fell unconscious and Y/n raised his weapon as the other four turned to him. He swung the 2x4 at another man. Only he hit him so hard the wood broke on his face. Y/n held his hands in pain as the remaining three approached him.

    Y/n tried to fight but the two goons grabbed either one of Y/n's arms. "Where's my money?" "I don't have it. I never owed you anything." Y/n said, trying to break free. "You do now that you stole it." The thug replied, "It's fine. I'll get it's worth in your blood." The man punched Y/n in the face. He tasted blood pooling in his mouth as he was hit again on the other side of his face. He felt blood trickling down the side of his head. One of his previous wounds reopened.

    Y/n remembered every time he's taken hits. Y/n Wayne hit the floor, Bruce standing over him. "Again." Jason had punched him this time and Y/n fell to the ground, spitting out blood before pushing himself up. Cass knocked him down. Dick, Tim, even his mother had. He remembered being hit by one of the wanna be criminals at his school, getting knocked into the lockers. And he was tired of always getting knocked down.

    The next swing the man went for Y/n stepped backwards. He pushed one of the men holding him into the way of the punch and kicked him into the wall. Y/n recalled something he's seen Jason do and he pushed the arm of the other man holding him in an awkward direction. He heard a sick crunch and the man screamed in pain before he punched him.

    Y/n turned to the last guy. He was big, slow and strong. Y/n raised his guard the way he had been taught so many times. "Remember, Y/n. Choose your battles. It's okay to let them walk away, just sit quietly and wait for your turn to strike." Y/n remembered Alfred's advice. But he wouldn't be walking away. Y/n went on the defensive. The big man punched, hitting nothing but Y/n's guard. The next punch broke through Y/n's guard and he fell down. "You were limping on your right leg, right?" The man kicked Y/n's right leg, making the boy scream in pain.

    Y/n pushed himself up. He held his guard up, taking hits when they landed and blocking them when he could. He remembered another thing Jason said. "When you're fighting someone big, you can't always beat them by pure strength. You need to tire them out." Y/n noticed the man getting tired, so he acted. Y/n sidestepped the next punch, bringing his arm back and putting all his strength into a single punch knocking the man down. "Tell your men and uncle Maroni to stop sending men after me." Y/n spat, bringing his boot down on the man, knocking him out finally.

    Y/n felt blood on his face and in his mouth. He'd sure taken a real beating. Y/n looked down at his split knuckles, sighing. And then he limped away from the alley, spitting blood.

    Selina was scrolling through old scrapbooks, looking at photos of her son. Things had been rough since everything happened. Dick, Damian and Bruce went to stop an Arkham Asylum breakout, and Damian accidently killed Dick. Damian was outcast, and he's been MIA since. They buried Dick, and it tore Bruce apart. He's lost three sons. Y/n, Dick and Damian.

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