Chapter 6.4

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In LexCorp tower, the others were gearing up with kryptonite weapons. Bane was sliding kryptonite spiked brass knuckles onto his hands.

King Shark's teeth were coated in. it. Black Manta's wrist blades were made of it, same with Captain Boomerang's weapons. Harley was testing the sights on her new pistols.

Luthor stood in one of his Lexosuits, cocking his rifle. "Always keep the best one for yourself, Lexy."

"Lex," Lois called.

She was looking out his window, seeing at least a hundred paradooms flying their way.

"Well, that's a problem," Lex said.

Lois grabbed a kryptonite rifle, "For Clark and the team to have any chance, those monsters can't get back to Apokolips. We have to hold them off."

Captain Boomerang took out his flask, raising it before taking a drink, "Last call, then."

"King Shark is a shark."

Harley spun her pistols, "buckle up, Suicide Squaddies. Today's the day we earn our name."

Meanwhile, Y/n used his sword to cut off the vent, allowing them to walk into the generator room.

"Oh, shite and fried eggs," Constantine cursed.

They were looking up at a cosmic treadmill, floating in the air, giant rings spinning around it on every axis. The Flash was tied in, running as fast as he could.

But he was tired, malnourished and skinny. He was on the verge of death, his eyes a thousand miles away.

Clark rushed forward, catching one of the rings in his hands, trying to stop the machine. It fought against him, the pressure sending cracks through the rings, energy sparking across the room.

When the dust of the explosion settled, Barry was laying on top of the treadmill, his eyes closed. Clark quickly stepped forward, pulling the cable from the back of his head

"Barry? Barry!"

"Clark," Barry stuttered, his body vibrating on and off every few seconds.

"We thought you were dead," Clark said, helping the man sit upright.

"It was phased when Omega Beam hit. Apokolips reactor damaged. Converted me to replacement," Barry shivered. "Make it stop. You gotta make me stop."

Constantine kneeled down, "let me." He put his hand over Barry's head, energy flowing through him. "Sleep, mate."

Suddenly, Constantine was standing in the midst of golden-yellow energy. Images of all the horrors the Flash had seen flooded his mind.

"He caused it," John said, removing his hand. "The Flashpoint."

"What are you talking about?" Clark asked.

"If he doesn't go back to save his mum, Darkseid isn't here."

"But if Flash is the power generator," Raven said, "there's no generator to blow up."

"So we can't stop Darkseid from coming back," Y/n glared at Barry. "And he caused it!"

John stood up, ignoring the boy, popping his collar, "too far in to turn around now. We go through.

"What are you planning, Constantine?" Clark asked.

"It's magic. You wouldn't understand."

Clark looked back at his half asleep speedster friend, "I hate magic."

Meanwhile, Diana raised her shield, blocking icicles shot her way. She struck down, her blade catching in Mera's trident.

Wonder Woman hit the redhead with her shield, stepping back as Hawkman struck the ground where she just was. She bashed him away, turning as the Martian Manhunter approached.

She cut through his limb, shielding herself from blasts from Starfire. She charged forward, using her sword to drag up chunks of concrete, providing her with cover.

She leaped up, cutting through the rock and punching Kory across the jaw, sending her into orbit.

Black Manta cut a paradoom clean in half, his kryptonite blade aiding him as more of the monsters surrounded him.

King Shark charged forward, glowing green shark teeth sinking into a paradoom. "King Shark, is a shark!"

King ran forward, ripping the arm of a paradoom and beating him with it, using it as a weapon.

Harley danced across the battlefield, humming tunes to herself as she shot kryptonite bullets at everything around her. She spun in circles, unloading the pistols into paradooms.

"Come on you bunch of assholes," Captain said, catching a kryptonite boomerang, before throwing two more. "Hey, you want a boomerang? Here! Come one, come all. What about you? And you!"

He unleashed boomerang after boomerang, leaving nothing left standing. "And you have a boomie. You all have some fucking boomies. I've got you covered!"

Bane ran past him, with kryptonite brass knuckles, sparking with electricity. He tore paradooms apart, punching heads off, ripping bones out.

Bane tore the spine from one monster, throwing the bones at another. But it wasn't long before they'd overwhelmed him, sinking their teeth into his venom-flooded blood.

A paradoom got a hold of Black Manta, pulling his legs off his torso. He wasn't even fazed by the kryptonite bullets hitting him.

"Almost out of ammo," Lex Luthor said, backing away, keeping up fire from his rifle.

He and Lois Lane covered their escape as the others ran up the stairs to the Boom Tube.

"We can't let them through!" Lois yelled, following up the stairs.

"Everybody on the platform," Luthor yelled, his rifle sending shot after shot.

He pressed a few buttons, a green shield coming down, slicing one of the monsters in half.

Constantine, Superman, Raven, and Nightwing ran through another hall, dodging laser traps. One bolt hit Y/n in the leg, sending him to the ground, screaming in pain.

He looked up, seeing more lasers headed his way.

"Azarath. Metrion. Zinthos," Raven yelled, conjuring a shield to protect the man.

The others grouped up, and she expanded her energy into a dome around them. "Can't do this long," she groaned.

She heard Trigon's voice call out to her, "Raven. Let go. Trust me, daughter. Let go!"

She opened her eyes, four fiery pits taking their place. Y/n turned back, seeing her skin start to turn red. Suddenly her shield turned into purple mist, tendrils shooting out all around her.

They blasted through an iron door, all of them floating to the ground, the shield dissipating. Rachel groaned as she fell to her knees.

"Rachel!" Y/n yelled, sliding by her side.

"I'll kill you, boy!" Trigon yelled from her body, his four eyes flaming.

Rachel groaned, her eyes turning back to normal as she looked away. "So, that was my dad," she deadpanned.

"I take it he doesn't give me his permission," Y/n smirked.

Rachel didn't have time to blush before a robotic voice spoke: "None can resist Darkseid."

The dark section of the room lit up, showing the bare bones of Cyborg floating in the air, surrounded by blue strips of energy like a circuit board.

"Hail Darkseid. I am the source wall. Lord Darkseid has ordered you taken alive to personally see your punishment."

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