Chapter 2.4

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Some time Later

In the center of the League's monastery, a giant purple bubble emerged from the ground in the dead of night. The energy cleared and four people emerged.

The girl at the front fell to the ground, her weak form dragging her purple suit into the dirt. She fell to the ground as a large man crouched next to her, his hair was graying and his eyes glowed green.

The people behind him watched, a blonde and lanky man in a tan trench coat and red tie, and an alien with tan skin sat in a chair, drinking a beer.

The big man looked to his left as an assassin dropped down, a sword in his hand. He wore red and black robes, turning his sword in his hands as more ninjas circled them.

The gateway to the Monastery was guarded by two ninjas, who stepped aside as a woman in red drew her sword and advanced. "The infidels have breached our sanctuary, slay them!" Lady Shiva yelled.

The man with green eyes ducked as the man with a tan coat shot a beam of golden energy at the ninjas. John Constantine turned, looking at the alien who was still chugging his alcohol, "Are you happy now? Assassins!" His british accent yelled.

A ninja slashed at him and he disappeared into golden mist, appearing behind the assassin and blasting him.

"Some challenge... yawn," The alien mocked, sticking his arm to the side and tripping a ninja, stepping away and tossing his bottle on the ninja as he tried to stand.

He continued, four assassins rushing him and Constantine. He took two, picking them up in one arm as John dodged, leaving a pillar of rock in his way.

The big man–the powerless Clark Kent–wrestled with a ninja, Constantine blasting the enemy away. But another ninja knocked Clark over, who grabbed the Assassin's wrists, pushing away the knife.

John rushed forward, muttering an incantation and pressing his hand to the Ninja's back, turning him to ice.

The alien had a ninja by the head, shaking him around. "Etrigan the Slayer is here," He spoke in monotone. "Woe to you."

A sword broke against his shoulder armor. "And you," Etrigan said as he grabbed the assassin by the head and threw him into another.

"Die, demon!" Shiva yelled, charging the man. He caught her wrists, holding her in the air.

She tried to kick him, but Etrigan simply didn't care. "Whatever."

Raven began to wake up, holding her head as she groaned, unaware of an Assassin approaching her.

He raised the sword, and it almost connected with her until a voice yelled out: "Enough!"

Everything halted, every eye turned on him as he approached. He wore armor, a red cape falling from his shoulders, a sword at his side. His jet black hair was longer, almost down to his jaw, and he had a new scar on his cheek.

Rachel froze, looking into his green eyes. The eyes of Y/n Wayne. "Hi," Rachel gathered herself off the ground, Clark stepping to her side.

"You," Y/n growled, his hand on his sword as he approached Clark.

"Y/n, please listen to him," Rachel pleaded. She stepped forward, her knees collapsing.

Y/n caught her, his arms wrapping around her form as he looked up at Clark, his anger subsiding. "What's wrong with her?"

John stepped forward, "How long you got, mate?"

"I know you hate me," Clark said, "but I wouldn't be here if it wasn't necessary."

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