Chapter 9.0

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    Two weeks had passed. Arkham Asylum was in lockdown. Sirens were blaring and screams and thuds were heard. Batman, Robin, Nightwing (Dick Grayson), Red Hood, and Orphan were in the middle of the maximum security compound. It was a circular wall around a domed room, the middle was a rocky terrain and wide open. Along the walls were cells, all of them open. Riddler, Two-Face, Bane, Poison Ivy, and Deadshot.

    Batman was fighting Bane. laying punches into him. Nightwing was fighting Riddler, Red Hood and Deadshot, who stole one of his guns so they could battle it out. Robin was fighting Two-Face, and Orphan was fighting Ivy. She cut through one of Ivy's branches, jumping across them at Ivy. Red Hood dodged a bullet from Lawton, kicking him back before raising his gun for his own shot. Robin kicked Two Face, punched Harvey and then used his escrima sticks to hit Two-Face's knee, he struck him again in the face.

    At that moment, across town, Y/n was in a fight of his own. A few thugs were ganging up on him. He dodged a punch, landing another of his own. But there were too many. Y/n was thrown into the ground. He coughed as he landed. What felt like dozens of shoes slammes into his sides, his face, his legs, his back. He groaned as these men ruthlessly beat him up.

    Riddler had found a mace and was using it against Nightwing, who fought with his escrima sticks. Riddler aimed a shot right for the blue symbol on Dick's chest, who blocked it. He grabbed Riddler's arm and pinned it behind his back, disabling his movement as he kicked away the mace. Two-Face fell and Robin kept laying into him. "Robin doesn't hit people after they go down." Dick warned. "You're not Robin so shut up!" Damian yelled, throwing one of his escrima sticks.

    The blow echoed throughout the room, it was as if Dick got hit over, and over, and over, and over again. Right on the temple. Dick's ears rang as he fell to the ground, the back of his head hitting hard on the ground. Damian stood in shock.

    Everything halted. Ivy was knocked out on the ground, Orphan looking at what happened. Red Hood had pistol whipped Deadshot, knocking him out, too. And Batman saw it, too. He turned back to Bane who had just stood up with his venom leaking out his tube. Batman decked him, and this time he was down for a while.

    Robin ran to Dick, kneeling down by his brother. He placed his hand on Dick's chest, shaking him awake. "Nightwing, wake up. Grayson?" Bruce walked next to them. "Get up, get up." Damian turned to Batman, "He always blocks it, always." Damian pleaded. "Get away from him!" Bruce pushed Damian aside, taking Nightwing into his arms.

     Y/n was still getting kicked. When the thugs had enough, they let him go and walked away. Y/n lay on the ground, his face cut up and bruised. His clothes were torn more, his whole body bruised. He groaned, something between a scream and a sob. He pushed himself to his feet. Pain shot through his right leg. Y/n fell to the ground, clutching his leg with tears in his eyes.

    Bruce walked forward in the Asylum, holding the body of Nightwing. Robin stood in shock. "Please, I didn't mean to." Damian sobbed. Jason came up out of no where and punched Damian, knocking him to the floor. Red Hood followed Cass out of the Asylum. And they left Damian on the ground, looking at a rock sticking up from the ground, stained with Dick's blood.

    Bruce was in the cave that night alone, punching a wooden pole. Rope was wrapped around it, but ir didn't stop Batman's knuckles from bleeding through his gloves. Selina walked over to him. "Bruce." She said, "Bruce… Bruce!" He finally stopped and turned to face his wife. "Stop." She took his mask off and let it fall behind his back. She held his face in her hands. "Let it out. I got you. Just tonight. Let yourself fall apart and I promise to hols you together." Selina promised, lowering them to the ground.

    Cassandra Cain was dressed in her suit. She was currently on a rooftop, fighting a bunch of criminals. She was angry, and her technique suffered. Cass got hit in the face, she responded with a headbutt and twisted the guy's arm out of his socket. She was hit again and used her elbow to return the blow. There were maybe a dozen of them, and a brute. It went like this for a while, trading hits.

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