Closing Time // MinSung

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genre: fluff/coffeeshop au
ship: minsung (minho x jisung)
warnings: none

he pulled his cap farther over his eyes and made his way into the café. it was pitch dark outside and the café was empty aside from the employees. normally such an atmosphere would be creepy, but it was perfect to minho.

the bells at the door jingled and jisung groaned internally. still, he put on his best customer service smile.

"hi! what can i get for you?"

"could i get a medium coffee with vanilla creamer?"

"yep. that'll be $4.57. how will you be paying?"


"alright and could i get a name for that?" he said, pulling a sharpie out along with a cup.


he was confused, but slowly began writing it down.

"no no, that's not my name."

"then why did you say it?"

"i was asking if you were serious."

"why would i be joking?"

"you really don't know who i am?"

"sure i do. you're the asshole who comes in right before closing." at that point jisung was so tired and exasperated that he couldn't control his own filter.

minho was also surprised at the man's tone. he'd seen him working a few times and never expected such a sweet looking guy to be so savage.

"um. i'm sorry. i don't know why i let myself say that."

"it's fine. point taken."

the two silently silently completed their transaction, minho handing jisung his cash and receiving his change. when the boy turned to begin making the drink, minho deposited the change into the tip jar. he didn't have much use for it anyway.

in under two minutes minho's drink was ready. he grabbed it and thanked jisung.

"hey, can i ask you something?"

"sure, what is it?"

"why did you ask me if i knew you? have we met before?"

minho chuckled. "no, we haven't."

"then why?"

minho walked back up to the counter and grabbed the sharpie that jisung had used. he then grabbed his arm and uncapped the sharpie with his teeth. he wrote down a username and a number.

"that's my instagram. you'll get some answers there. and if you're interested, give me a call cutie." he winked and walked out of the store with his coffee.

jisung was still fairly confused and watched minho get into a car and drive away as he flipped the stores sign to closed. pushing the transaction to the back of his head, he cleaned up and locked the store, hoping he didn't miss the last bus because of minho.

he didn't, luckily, and hopped on the almost completely empty bus. in a few stops he got off and began walking to his apartment building.

on his way he kept thinking about minho. he'd come in before, but never when jisung was working the counter. moreover, he'd never seen his coworkers acting weird around him. he also didn't have customer reactions to go off of considering he always came in late at night.

he unlocked the door to his apartment and kicked off his shoes. he wanted nothing more than to go to bed immediately, but he knew he had to shower and get ready.

after doing his night routine, jisung flopped down onto his bed and took out his phone. he checked snapchat and instagram before remembering the man who'd given him his instagram.

jisung looked at his arm and typed the username in, clicking on the first profile that came up. sure enough, it was the guy he'd served. the name read lee minho and jisung's eyes almost popped out of his skull when he saw that he had over three million followers.

without thinking he then typed the phone number into his contacts and sent a message.

you're fucking famous??

sorry, who is this?

shit. i should have lead with that.

sorry. it's jisung, the guy from the café.

ohhh the cute barista.
yeah, you could say i'm famous.
some of your coworkers know me
that's why i was surprised you didn't

well they never told me about you

they were probably salty i asked for your number instead of theirs.

you....asked for my number?

yeah. never got it though
that's why i was glad you were the only one working tonight. :)

jisung didn't know how to respond. minho was definitely handsome as all hell, but he didn't know if he believed the whole 'i've had my eye on you' bit.

why didn't you just ask me directly?

i'm on a tight schedule. besides, you were never at the counter.

you could've come in sometime before we had to shoo you out

but then there's people

i know, it's almost like we live in a society.

i sense sarcasm

sarcasm? me? never

how are you so damn cute

i am not

mhm sure cutie

i'm blocking you

i'm so hot and sexy and famous
you can't block me


yay :))
this may sound cliché, but would you wanna get coffee with me?

would it have to be at 10 p.m.?


fine. it's not like i sleep anyway

heyyy that's not good
you need your beauty sleep

wrong i'm always beautiful

never said you weren't


so how about tomorrow?

sure. i don't work.

send me your address. i'll pick you up

*insert location*

see you then cutie

see you then hot stuff

minho stared at his phone. he'd called jisung cutie at least three times during their conversation and he didn't react but as soon as jisung turned it around on him he didn't know how to react.

he closed his phone and smiled, happy that jisung had agreed to go out with him. and he was right, it did sound cliché, because he was officially going on a date with his coffeeshop crush.

꧁1000 words꧂

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