Horror // HyunChan

904 13 6

genre: fluff
ship: hyunchan (hyunjin x chan)
warnings: none

fuck it. here goes nothing.


"hey, is this chan?"

"that's me. who's this?"

"i'm hyunjin. you... gave me your number the other day."

"oh. blond, right? the bar?"

"yeah. that's me."

"alright. so what's up? it's pretty late to be calling someone you just met."

"i know, i'm sorry. it's just," he hesitated, scrunching his face in embarrassment, "i watched a horror movie and i thought i'd be fine but now my roommate is asleep and i kinda needed someone to talk to and you seemed really nice so yeah."

a bark of laughter came from the receiver and hyunjin smiled in spite of himself. as chan stopped laughing hyunjin glanced around his room, telling himself again that it was unreasonable to be scared after watching a movie.

"i know it's unreasonable, but it would still make me feel better to talk to someone."

"yeah no, i get that. i'm just surprised you called me instead of one your friends."

"oh please, they would eat me alive. i'd never hear the end of it!"

"and you think it'll be different with me?"

"if it's not, at least i can say i didn't know what i was getting into."

"that's fair enough." hyunjin could hear him shift around whatever position he was sitting in. "so, what did you want to talk about?"

"um, i don't know. i didn't really get to that part."

"well, what movie did you watch?"

"okay i know what i don't want to talk about."

chan laughed again. hyunjin thought he could definitely get used to that.

"how about we just get to know each other? we're bound to find something out of that." hyunjin said.

"sounds good. my name is bang chan, i'm 25 and i'm from australia. i'm a producer and performer. what about you?"

"i'm hwang hyunjin, 23, from seoul. i'm a dancer."

"okay, so we both perform. tell me more about that."

"to be honest i didn't always love dancing. i was more into singing and rapping but once i started i discovered i was pretty good at it. i mostly do hip hop but i've also done some more lyrical style work. what kind of music do you make?"

"that's a pretty loaded question. i've made all kinds of music. the beauty of producing is that you can create anything you want. i've played around with a whole bunch of genres and styles. i've done a lot with hip hop and house, but there's plenty of EDM and lyrical stuff i've made."

"wow. is it hard?"

"it can be. over time it's gotten easier."

"what about inspiration? i've always heard about things like writers block, do musicians have that?"

"oh, absolutely. it happens to everyone at sometime or another. the reasons vary from time to time and person to person. for me i usually just need a quick change of scenery and i'll listen to a bunch of random songs. it feels like i'm resetting. but i also have a few friends that i produce with, so we're usually able to work together when or multiple of us is stuck."

hyunjin laid down on the couch as he listened, imaging what chan described. he'd never really written his own music. aside from poems or lyrics here and there, he'd never put anything to a tune. hell, he didn't even know how to play an instrument no matter how many times his roommate, seungmin, offered to teach him guitar.

"is there such a thing as dancers block?" chan asked.

"i guess so. when you're creating a choreography, you're trying to tell a story. you want everything to meld together, but it can't be repetitive. it has to flow, but you also need to find where to put emphasis. you need to decide what the song means, what the choreography is going to mean, and how you're going to achieve that."

"damn that seems like a lot of work."

"it can be. once you get an idea though, nothings gonna stop that train from rolling. it can get frustrating, but it works itself out eventually."

"same with music. all it takes is patience and some experimenting before you've created something even better than you intended."

"exactly! it's that moment of 'wait a damn minute, i'm onto something' that makes the process so much more exciting." hyunjin had to remember to keep his voice down so not to wake seungmin.

"you're so right."

"not to mention when you can finally share it." hyunjin let out a sigh. "performing is one of the best feelings ever."

"i feel you. i love sharing music with other people. someone else enjoying what you've made makes the job that much more rewarding."

there was a moment of silence between the two. hyunjin turned over onto his side, propping himself up on his elbow.

"say, what if we collabed on something?" he said.


"yeah! you make the song, i make the choreography."

"that would actually be pretty cool. what kind of song?"

"good question. how about i send you a few of my performance videos and you decide?"

"sounds great! you wouldn't mind if i asked my friend for help though, right?"

"of course not, but you should tell me what you guys are called so i can listen to your songs."

"right, right. so it's a plan?"


"can't wait."

"thank you, chan."

"anytime, hyunjin. see you later?"

"see you later." he confirmed.

hyunjin ended the call and hugged his phone to his chest. he smiled as he imagined that handsome man he'd met at the club producing a song for him. he imagined listening to the new beat and forming the outline of his movements across the stage.

chan set his phone down next to his computer. it had turned off after the long conversation he'd just had with hyunjin. he smiled remembering the man and began to wonder what a song for him should sound like.

he got a message on his phone. it was hyunjin sending him a few videos. he uploaded them onto his laptop and immediately began to watch them. despite the hour, chan opened up his producing software and began a new project, simply titling it "hwang."

he couldn't wait until tomorrow, where he would have a chance to share with jisung and changbin the boy he'd met and was now writing a song for.

hyunjin couldn't wait to tell seungmin about the conversation he'd had with the man before making his way to the practice rooms, ready work on a new choreography.

maybe that horror movie wasn't so bad after all.

1110 words

60 fucking parts?

60 fu cki gn parts??

that's a lot of writing lmao

- vic <3

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