Injuries // SeungSung

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shut the fuck up the photo i found is so fucking adorable i will cry. anyhow pls enjoy :)

genre: fluff/friends to lovers
ship: seungsung (seungmin x jisung)
warnings: lil steamy, injury/fighting

"minnie chill out, it wasn't even a full flight of stairs."

"it's the fact that you even have to specify how many stairs you fell down."

"it's not like i cracked my skull o-" jisung stopped to yelp and pull his arm away from seungmin, who had pressed down extra hard while applying the bandage. "that was unnecessary."

"i disagree. now come one, we've already missed half of biology." he said, pulling both of them towards the door.

most of the other students were disinterested as seungmin and jisung walked into class and handed the teacher a note from the nurse. still, there were the few that snickered or stared as they took their seats.

"take another wittle tumble han?" a boy behind them mocked.

jisung's face heated up slightly as seungmin turned around to look at them in judgement and disgust.

the class passed slowly—mrs. lee's lectures were notoriously boring and jisung was constantly restless. when they were finally dismissed, jisung stretched out dramatically and grabbed his bag, moving to stand at the side of the table to wait for seungmin.

"you go ahead jisung, i've got to drop something off to my math teacher. i'll meet you at chan's."

"alright. don't be too late!" he said, halfway out the door.

jisung walked down the mostly empty hall, connecting his earbuds and pressing play on whatever song he last had up. he rubbed his arm where his bandage was, looking down at seungmin's neat work.

for a long time, jisung had been the clumsy one of the group. but even when he acted annoyed and exasperated, seungmin would always be there to patch him up. their friends joked that seungmin should switch to a medical field with all the work he had to do on jisung. he'd brush them off and say it was no problem.

what the group was mostly unaware of was jisung's temper. while they knew he was competitive and fiercely loyal, they didn't know that he had the potential to get angry fast. unfortunately, it was one of those days.

jisung was stressed. he missed part of a difficult class and also happened to be sat in front of a group of assholes. although he focused on the music as he walked, there wasn't much he could do when the group began to follow him.

after a minute or two, jisung put his earbuds away and turned around to face the group. there were three of them, all already looking at jisung.

"what?" jisung said, jaw clenched.

"aw, is jisungie already getting defensive? we haven't even said anything."

"then fucking say it so i can get on with my day." he spat.

"well now, i don't think i like your tone. you wanna say that again a bit nicer?"

"no, no i fucking don't."

"wow. didn't know you were so rude. i guess we'll have to help you learn some manners, han."

jisung barely even heard the man over the rush of blood in his ears. he'd been on edge all day and this was the final straw he needed. the fact that it was three on one didn't fully register in his brain as they all began to swing.

as the first lackey lunged, jisung swung his backpack full force into the guys stomach. filled with his science textbooks and homework, he heard the wind get knocked out of his lungs.

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