Pick Up Lines // BangInho PT 2

880 25 13

genre: angst -> fluff
ship: banginho (chan x minho)
warnings: none

i figured y'all would want a part two, so i went ahead and wrote it. enjoy!

"no. of course not, why would i?" he didn't turn back as he began to walk to his room. "you're just playing around, like always."

it was an abrupt change for chan to stop using the pick up lines on minho and most everybody noticed. well, they didn't care as much about the pick up lines as they did the fact that their two eldest seemed to be avoiding each other.

during promotions they would sit on opposite ends. they didn't talk during practices and refused to pair up for any tiktoks they made. a few people tried pushing them together but they were like magnets with the same polarization: no matter how hard they tried, they resisted even more.

it was worrying, to say the least. minho being the second oldest meant that he was caring and sweet, but still had someone who acted as his older brother. without chan, he didn't have that support. it was obvious that he was working himself too hard without chan to help him relax and care for him. no matter what the other members said he would shake them off and continue what he was doing.

chan wasn't doing much better. he was struggling without his second in command. he hadn't tried to push minho away but the younger avoided him like the plague. chan was hurt, deeply, but didn't complain. it wasn't like he could tell the members what happened that night or why he thought minho was acting the way he was.

one night, as chan was composing in the studio, jisung visited him.

"hyung, can i talk to you?"

"of course han, what's up?"

it wasn't uncommon for people to visit chan on occasion, especially changbin or jisung while they were composing. he would give advice, help, and make them smile whenever they asked. but that wasn't what jisung was there for.

"what's going on with you and minho?" the younger asked, taking a seat on the couch.

"what do you mean?"

"come on, there's clearly something wrong. you two don't talk, don't help each other, nothing. what's up with you?"


"well i'm here to tell you to work it out. you're both suffering because of this you know."

"what? how are we suffering?"

"minho always helps you cook, clean, handle the house and keep us in line. you can't do it all on your own."

"he still helps plenty."

"and you help him relax. you're his only hyung, chan. without you he doesn't stop, he doesn't take breaks, he doesn't know how to regulate himself. he's gonna keep going until he burns out if you don't help him."

"is it really that bad?"

"i came here from the practice rooms. he's still there."

chan looked at his clock and back at jisung.

"it's been hours, chan. we're worried. all of us, about both of you." he stood up and made his way to the door. "i'm not gonna ask what happened, but you need to figure this out. if this goes on it's gonna turn into a problem, then it's everyone's business, whether you want it to be or not."

and with that, jisung left. chan swiveled his chair around and closed his laptop. composing had left his mind completely as he ran through the conversation in his head.

jisung was right, after all. everyone in the group relied on each other in different ways. being the two oldest chan and minho were incredibly close, and the separation had taken a clear toll on both of them.

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