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The night she had told her story was followed. By Chase appearing in my room, we hadn't noticed the doorbell. Milly had pointedly refused to leave with him, hands flying while they argued. She dug her heels in until her other brother had come in threatening to carry her out, sedated if needed. She obviously believed he would do it and she left with them. But not before pointedly kissing me.
When they were gone Rafe and the loons had teased me relentlessly. She was worth every second of their torture.

Thankfully Milly wasn't one for PDA in school. Like me, she preferred to keep our private life private. Her being close to both Rafe and me probably confused people. Five months, two holidays and she was still the new girl. Still my girl too.

She refused to talk to her brother and I fully supported that but we could all see that it was hard on her family. Lucas and her were against Marcus while the rest had forgiven him. Admittedly, he had turned his life around and found better friends. He didn't seem like a bad guy but Milly tensed up whenever she saw him. Her beautiful smile would disappear and I didn't like it.

She came to fights and if Lee picked one for her, she would fight too. He made sure that her fights weren't as brutal but I still both hated and loved seeing her in the ring. Lucas came once with her oldest brother, Nate, we had no idea how he found out but he got in without us knowing and Lee had almost freaked out at the sight of them. They didn't stop her fighting though. She had told her father and the two had just decided to come and bet some money on her. A strangely supportive yet weird display of affection.

They had grilled me the first time we all had dinner together and afterwards Milly had kissed me senseless because I had given Marcus a hard time whenever he spoke to me. I still did, she still loved it. Win win in my book, I just didn't like his talkative and opinionated ways.

Looking at her now, with Annie hanging off her, I laughed. She tolerated Annie with her usual spunky backchat. Annie was trying to convince my girl to join Cheer again, permanently. Considering the payments that Milly had demanded last time she had done cheer, I didn't think Annie would be able to afford it. Milly hadn't lied to Rafe though. She was easily calmed with Pizza and chocolate. Rafe finally got annoyed that Annie was hanging of Milly and chattering over the conversation we were having.

"Piss off, Bubbles. Leave my girl alone, she doesn't want to join your Bouncy squad." Rafe interrupted while pulling Milly into his arms.
"You are a nasty piece of work, Rafael Collins, I still don't like you."
"Wait, just let me get my phone. I'll make sure to make a note and set an alarm, so I can remember to cry myself to sleep tonight... because you don't like me. Now, piss off, Bubbles. You've been here long enough."

Annie frowned but left our table in a huff. "I wish you wouldn't be so rude to my future wife, Rafe." Mike joked. He hadn't had a girlfriend for a while now. He was steadfastly perusing Annie and she was steadfastly shooting him down. Lucas didn't seem to mind that Mikey was giving her so much attention but privately Milly had told me that she thought the two still loved each other.
She had no idea why the two broke up and Annie had no idea that Milly was only my girlfriend. She was, just like most people, under the impression that Milly was probably dating Rafe. It amused Milly to leave Annie confused.

Bernie still hated that both Rafe and I were so easy with Milly but he had chosen a new conquest, poor girl. Lucas wasn't as easy going with Bernie but it wasn't very obvious unless you knew what had happened. Annie generally ignored him unless he addressed her.

Right in this moment the world was perfect. It wasn't really though. School was almost finished, the threat against Lee's family still hung over us and I found out one of my professors had tried to steel one of my ideas. He hadn't know my dad patented everything for me so it wasn't much of an issue but it was still going to court, I was worried. I didn't want high school to finish at the end of this year, it was boring but comfortable.

Soon, my twin would be going to university with his bestie and Rafe would apply to the army. And Milly...


Annie kept babbling about me joining cheer again, someone had sprained something and the stand-in wasn't keeping in time perfectly. I did argue she was being mean while she was begging me. Thankfully Rafe got sick of her and snapped . Those two didn't get along at all. It was kinda funny, he kept calling her Bubbles, was convinced she had unmedicated adhd and was generally on a sugar high. She thought he was dangerous and she worried over me.

To make it more interesting, I had told her about Lee-ah, she still thought Lee is a girl. But she was convinced I had something with both the boys, mainly Rafe. In school he was, ironically, more affectionate with me than Superman. It didn't show but my Superman was painfully shy. That big brain of his notices everything and he got quite uncomfortable with people watching him. So he pretends, really well, that he is cold and uncaring. Only when he was hyper-focused did he really not care about other people, meaning if he was raving about something he learned or fighting. Kissing him also distracted him well. Still, after five months, I thought that was just cute. He'd loose his train of thought and smile, looking a bit dazed.

He looked distracted now, not the good kind. Mikey joked about marrying Annie, regardless of how many times she turned him down. Maybe she was too polite. I thought she was still in love with Lucas. Neither of them were dating other people, still. I'd find out one day what that was all about but I didn't want to pry. Lucas had made it clear that he wasn't ready to talk about what happened with him and Annie.

"Why won't you set me up with Annie. You're friends, right?! Damnit Mills, school's almost finished and I don't know where's she's going to Uni."
"She's too smart for you, loon. Find your own girl and stop trying to get one through mine." Rafe growled. "And Superman! Imma gonna kiss my BabyGirl right here, right now, if you don't snap out of that brain of yours!"
That got through to him. He straightened up immediately and slipped his arm around me gently pulling me to his side. Rafe let him, with a wink to me. My Superman mightn't be into public displays of affection but he was a bit jealous. It was funny because it was Rafe. But then, it was hard to tell when Rafe was joking.
The loons laughed out loud at what Rafe said and I was grinning but Daryl still didn't speak. Something was worrying him. Both Rafe and me had noticed this a few times lately. Superman was distracted and spaced out with a frown on his gorgeous face. It wasn't just the court case either. His dad had that in the bag. There were files and a patent to show the idea was solely Daryl's but one of his teacher had tried to claim it.

Maybe Mike knew, maybe he had already spoken to his twin about it but neither of them had spoken about anything that could cause D to stress out.
I had to start planning an interrogation of my boyfriend this afternoon. It was Thursday. He would go to night class while I'd go to the gym with Rafe and Lee.
And then I'd have all weekend to get to find out what he was worrying about.

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