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                  1.    His POV

I was on my way to class when someone ran into me. It happened occasionally in busy hallways but normally not to me. I have a reputation that was carefully constructed to keep people out of my hair. It was based on suspicion, fear and well placed rumors.We had worked hard to make sure we all had the reputation we desired. We, being my twin brother, who thankfully looked nothing like me and was a jock. Rafe who suited the mean, broody, badboy image perfectly. Silvester who was also a well liked jock and then there was me. I had decided that the bad boy image would work for my purpose too but I was the quiet, vengeful one. Piss me off and be mysteriously out of school for a week or two. I never started fights at school and made sure that any fool who challenged me was seen to throw the first punch. I don't get challenged anymore but they learned the hard way that I am not a nerd.

I barely managed to keep my balance when this idiot ran into me. I saw a head of light brown hair crash and as I straightened sharp brown eyes caught mine in a deadlock. She wasn't beautiful, just pretty I suppose, but the girl that stared at me had a fire in her eyes that screamed her difference to the world. And that made her stunning. I couldn't find any words but it probably looked like I was glaring at her for bumping into me.

"Shit! Milly, get up and apologise!" A guy said as he grabbed her arm. I knew him. Lucas Miller, he was on the track team with my brother and played footy with him too. I knew him, but I didn't know her. She rounded on him when she found her feet and pointed a finger at me while looking at him. "What the hell? Apologise to him. He should apologise to me!"
She stabbed me in my chest and carried on. "I mean, you didn't feel that.. the guy is made of freaking bricks, I almost broke my face walking into him! And it wasn't even my damned fault! He suddenly stepped in My way!"

You could have heard a pin drop by now. I barely contained a grin, she was right I had sidestepped someone and hit her instead because I hadn't seen her short frame between the guys, that must have been Lucas and Bernie. Lucas grabbed her hand and janked it away from me. "She didn't mean to, she's new here and she's sorry!" He said nodding at her, hinting that she apologise to me. I raised an eyebrow at him just as she turned to look at me.

"That is awesome, I can't do that. I wish I could!" She grinned wickedly. "Then we both could have given him the same WTF look!"

She ignored the gasps around us and maintained her wicked grin as she rattled on. "He is right on some things. I'm Milly and I am indeed new here. I am obviously clueless as to why everyone is looking at me like that. Seen as you aren't clueless and Lukey boy knows you, I will safely assume you aren't new and you have somehow convinced these poor people you aren't entirely human... And that's cool!" She put her small hands up in surrender as she dodged Lucas. "I'm not one to judge dude, but the only thing I'm apologizing for is the fact that, this whole 'you knocking me on my ass' thing, is wasting a lot more time than it should have."

She winked at me, while I hoped I still looked emotionless instead of looking as stunned as I felt then she turned and grabbed Lucas and his best friend Bernie and dragged them to the cafeteria. "See ya around, Superman." She said with laughter in her voice.

"Superman? You flùcking called him Superman? What the hell, Mill?" Lucas snarled under his breath as Bernie shot me one last worried glance. I managed to catch her reply.

"Hey! I'm the one that he walked into. Guy is made of freaking steel or something! There wasn't a single soft thing about what I walked into!"

"Damned he walked into you with a har_" I couldn't hear the rest but I could guess. She thumped Bernie rather hard before they disappeared around a corner.

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