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This has been up before and I am back to checking it before putting it back for your reading pleasure. It is in his and her points of view. Every chapter.

I put this up for my very own Angel. The reason for most of the stories here on Wattpad :)
I'm in Australia (Queensland) so I have no idea what 'today' is for the rest of the world, or in other words, you ;)
This story is fun... I wrote it to tease my Angel but she fell in love with it so it's continuing.
Yes, I'm sure it's annoying that I'm editing,my apologies.
Despite this, I would still like to get comments and votes to hear what you think ❤️
Votes and or comments can be your present for me, unless you want to send me chocolate ;D

You vote more, I want to post more

And last of all, it's still my story so don't take it or the idea and write it as your own, that wouldn't be nice.
That's all I wanted to say....


This is the teaser. As with all my books I have no cast list so you'll have to use your own mental pictures for the people you meet here.. XG
So let me get this straight... you are a bad boy?"
"But you don't have a bike?"
"You don't date heaps of girls or have one night stands?"
"You don't get in trouble with teachers and stuff?"
"And you are at the top of your class?"
"How the hell are you a bad boy?

"I have a leather jacket... but I only wear in winter, do you think that could be it?" He asked sarcastically.
"Seriously?! That's all you can come up with?"
"I can be quite broody and mysterious... sometimes." He said with a cheeky grin.
"What the hell?"
"Could be because of the guys I hang with?" He tried to look serious and I considered it for a few seconds. One of his friends was a classic bad boy, bike, bad attitude and all but the other two were jocks, very popular jocks. I thought that maybe... until I saw a twitch of his lips.
"You are taking the piss!"
"I prefer the term being creative with the truth." He replied with a smirk as the first bell rang.

"Why won't you just tell me?"
"Because, for whatever reason, you... don't know. And for some reason you came to ask me instead of asking anyone else. Tell me why you did that and I might give you something."
"I don't like rumors. I don't like people that spread them and I don't like people talking about me. If you want to know the truest version of the truth ask the person in question. So... I am."
"Care to tell me what they said, exactly?"
"Will you hurt them if you don't like what I tell you?"
"Okay, well, it was interesting." I said remarkably calmly, if I may say so myself. Then I turned on my heel and, with a quick g'bye, left the strange bad boy standing there.

Bad boy? ✔️Where stories live. Discover now