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27. His POV

I tried to be cool about the whole thing when I woke up and found that I had practically draped myself over Milly. She was so soft and perfect and I found I didn't want to move. When I heard her giggle and realized she was awake I wasn't sure what to do, so I stupidly asked if Mike woke her up too. She only mumbled her reply and I thought she might not be fully awake yet. Without meaning to I caressed her side, her skin was so soft and silky I couldn't stop, she had to be still partly asleep because she didn't even respond. I softly asked her if she slept well, maybe she would wake up and move because I didn't want to be the one to move. Just to check I asked if she was not entirely awake and she just hummed in reply. I smiled, she was comfortable, I was comfortable, so I courageously told her. "I'm comfortable like this. Go back to sleep."

My hand never stopped stroking her side, it was such a lovely feeling, her firm hip, the dip of her waist and her incredibly soft skin. I moved my leg from where it was draped over hers so she wouldn't feel just how happy she made me. She made a cute little sound in protest and I smiled as I turned on my side only leaving my arm across her back with my hand on her side. She turned from her front to her side and put her back to my front but in doing so moved my hand to her stomach and I barely shifted in time to avoid full body contact. A small gasp of surprise escaped me and she let out a breathy laugh. "You are comfortable and warm, don't leave yet." She said softly.

The shirt was only covering half her back and my arm moved around her pulling her against me a bit more. "You're comfortable and soft, I'd be happy to hold you." I replied boldly in a whisper. I would be happy to do more than just hold her, much, much more! But I didn't think she liked me like that so I was doing my best to stay calm. With her spooning me, my arm was now on her other side around her stomach and I knew that if anyone could see me my face would be like a tomato. The girl of my dreams was in my arms. I don't know how long it took before I was breathing evenly without making an effort but I ended up falling asleep again, with her.

Waking up the second time she was facing me. She had turned around while we were sleeping. One of my legs was between hers and one of her legs was draped over my thigh. I felt myself respond and tried to extract myself without waking her, I almost managed. The arm her head was on ended with a hand on her bare lower back, my leg was out from between hers but her leg was still over my hip. One of her hands was spread over my chest and if she woke up now she would be able to feel my heart thundering under her fingers. Her other arm was around me much the same as mine was around her. She fit perfectly.

I thought I'd die of a heart attack when her hands both moved. The one on my back went down and the other one thankfully went up, she was still asleep but her face turned up to mine with gorgeous lips and I responded without thought, doing what I'd been so desperately wanting to do since I first met her. I softly brushed my lips against hers.
And again.

And then I quickly moved away when I realized what an idiot I was. She was asleep. She wasn't even really my girlfriend.
She trusted me.

I jumped out of bed and rushed into the bathroom before I'd do something worse, like kiss her until she woke up, hold her close and tell her that I wanted her to really be mine. Needless to say, I had a cold shower.

28. Her POV

Yep. I woke up an hour ago and my inner fangirl was still hyperventilating! I think he kissed me, she's sure he did indeed do just that. I think it was just a dream, it may have been wishful thinking at best. He was too smart to want someone like me and way too gorgeous to have to settle for someone so plain. Plain brown hair, plain brown eyes, short legs. I like how I look but I'm not arrogant enough to think I'm god's gift to men. Guy like that could have a model.

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