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7.    His POV.

She had chemistry with Rafe, for some reason I was feeling annoyed about it. I knew my best friend and when he said that he was going to befriend her, I had to take it serious. He didn't say anything lightly and he didn't make friends easily because he thought most people weren't worth it. I met her first, yeah I walked into her but still. I wanted to get to know her, she was so different from any girl I ever met before.

Mike send a text to Rafe because he didn't show up when the rest of the Chem people showed up for lunch. I glanced over and saw the table where Lucas should have been. She wasn't there either. Mike snorted in surprise and I looked up at him. "He said he'll be late. He's talking to his lab partner about something."

"Since when does he have a lab partner?" I asked just as surprised as the other guys. They both shrugged. I noticed Lucas walk in but still hadn't spotted the girl. Lucas said something in Annie's ear and she nodded. Bernie asked him something when he sat down beside him and when he replied I could see Bernie tense up. His face angry and worried in equal amounts. Lucas had a hand on his shoulder keeping him from moving.

I suspected that Rafe might have Milly as his new lab partner and Mike agreed when I said that.
"Strange though, isn't it?" He replied.
Sly laughed. "Might have something to do with Superman here. Rafe will beat her up for disrespecting his best buddy, old pal."

Mike looked worried but I knew Rafe wouldn't hurt her. They didn't know Rafe like I did. Sly and Mike were best friends like Rafe and me, but me and Mike had always been really close so that was why the four of us hung out together. Me and Mike, Mike and me. He helped me get strong and I helped him with his homework. The muscles came naturally to him, like the information made sense to me the moment I read something and I couldn't help remember stuff. Together we were unbeatable and we'd been quite young when we figured it out and started helping the other instead of fighting all the time.

Rafe walked in five minutes later, his presence demanded attention. His reputation was brutal and deservedly so. He fought in organized back room brawls where the winner walked out with a cash incentive to return. He was big for his age, he was strong because he trained heaps and he was well trained because he'd started so young and kept training after his dad started taking overseas deployments. The man was hardly ever home but when he was he worked with Rafe to make him even better, faster and meaner. Not many people knew that Rafe intended to join the Marines like his dad, not the regular kind either, his dream was to be part of the special ops team like his dad.

This time more and more people turned to Rafe as he walked further into the room and whispers started instead of normal voice conversations. All because of who he came in with. One small, brown haired female, on her first day at our school. She was walking close to Rafe. They weren't talking, weren't even looking at each other yet.... you could tell they were walking together. He took smaller steps to make it easier for her shorter legs and they wore matching 'eat shit and die, cause I won't tell you anything' expressions. She actually pulled it off quite well. "Well, isn't that interesting?" Sly mumbled. "They both look the same as he always does..."

"And how is that?" I asked shortly.
"Well, they don't look happy but they don't look not happy.... They do look like they couldn't give a damn." Sly answered.

Just then the two stopped, shared an empty look then he raised his hand. Everyone held their breath, would he hurt her, had he threatened her, what was happening? People were looking because Rafe never walked with anyone other than us. When Rafe opened his mouth his voice carried through the cafeteria.
"Gimme your schedule, Baby Girl." He demanded with a straight face.
WTF, he called her Baby Girl. She didn't argue, simply dug it out of her pocket and handed it to him with an equally blank look.
He stared at it and when he finally looked up from the paper she simply said. "Well?"

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