35. 36

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35. His POV.

During dinner she was quiet but Lee dragged the story out of her and she lightened up somewhat. Then we got to the club and something changed. She was wild. Her and Lee had been on the dance floor almost all night. She was beautiful, captivating, dancing with almost reckless abandon. The two of them came to find us in the VIP area that Lee had arranged access to, he was very influential. She fell on the couch beside me and plucked the last of my drink from my hand. "Thanks, Superman."

I put my arm around her and my mouth near her ear. "For you, always.... You want another drink?" It was quiet enough up here not to have to shout at each other but I liked being close to her so I'd been pulling her up to me every chance I could.

"God yes. One of these and a water as well." She smiled when I moved to let her answer. I asked the guys for their orders and Rafe answered with a smirk as he softly added. 'You're whipped bro' then leaned into Lee with a wink. At the bar I looked back to see Rafe and Milly in a heated discussion about something, Lee was smiling at them and suddenly caught my eye, giving me a cheeky wink.

Someone grabbed my arm and plastered themselves against my side. A husky voice asked if I wanted to dance. I tried to step away from her and looked down with disgust. "No thanks. I'm at the bar to get drinks." I told her sarcastically.

She wasn't fazed and asked me brazenly if I maybe wanted to have some fun in one of the private rooms. "No thanks. My girlfriend is waiting for me." I snapped and managed to get the waiter's attention. The woman didn't give up and started rubbing her hand on my chest just as I paid but then she was roughly removed. Milly was now standing between us.

"Look little girl. I'm just offering him a good time while you go off with other guys. There's three of them, don't be greedy."

"I'm not. You go hit on the other two and see how you go. This one is mine." Milly snarled. I'd been on the dance floor a few times especially when guys tried to get her away from Lee and over the course of the evening I had firmly claimed her. Obviously the alcohol had been flowing freely all night and people were loosening up. Women were now actively hitting on guys instead of just throwing seductive glances and interested looks in our directions. I had already noticed that this one had her eyes on me during the evening and she had obviously decided I wasn't with Milly enough to be taken. She was scantily dressed in a red tube dress that made her look slutty not stylish like our Milly. She was also wearing loads of bright red lipstick that matched her dress and extreme heels. She was all over me and looked at Milly with a condescending smile, she wasn't giving up that easily. It was clear Milly had come to the same conclusion.

Part of me was fascinated by the anger in her eyes, anyone would believe that she might actually be a jealous girlfriend and it made my heart beat faster when she raised on herself on my shoulders and put her mouth to my ear. "If you want to go home with her tell me now, I'll walk away."
I securely wrapped my arm around her waist, moved back a tiny bit and put my lips as close to hers as I dared with a smile twitching at the corner of my mouth.
"Why would I settle for anything less than what I have in my arms?" I asked her not at all softly like she had.
Milly grinned wickedly. "Take the drinks babe. I'll be right with you." She said equally loud, glancing in my eyes with a slight blush before turning to the other woman. To the other woman it had probably looked like I'd kissed her.

I reluctantly walked away with the drinks and tried to ignore how people parted for me, quickly closing behind me to see if there would be a catfight. Nothing happened, Milly joined us before I even sat down and was grinning like the cat that got the cream. A glance at the bar showed the woman in the red dress shooting a wicked grin and a salute in our direction. Somehow I knew, without trying, that Milly wouldn't tell me what she'd said to turn things around like this.

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