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For you,(Happy Almost Holiday) and for all my other readers...
Hello from Qld, Australia
Stay Safe and have an awesome day, XG

49. His POV

I had her back in my arms. She was looking up at me with her eyes wide in surprise and I wanted nothing more than finally kiss her. Doubts were battling in my brain but my patience was shredded after hearing Mike talk about kissing her. After hearing her say he could only kiss her. Like hell my brother was kissing this girl, she had claimed me because we took her to the fights but I wanted it all to be real. I wanted to kiss her so desperately, so that she would forget everyone but me. Her eyes gave nothing away but I was slowly lowering my lips to hers and she didn't move away. I can almost swear she leaned in too... until my goddamned phone started singing. 'All my friends are wasted. And I hate this club and I drank too much. Another Friday night I'm wasted.'


I decided I hated him. He was the worst best friend ever!
His timing was killing me!
The moment was gone, we had jumped apart at the sound. I was positive that somewhere in the school he was still laughing his ass off. Her cheeks were rosy and her mouth was partly open in surprise. I think it was surprise. I growled two words. "Fúck Rafe!"

She giggled unexpectedly and to my surprise she answered. "I didn't know you swung that way."
"Minx!" I growled at her.

"Says the biggest tease." She replied with a cheeky smirk. "Are you going to answer that?"
"If I do touch it, I'd be more tempted to smash the damned thing right now." I answered her. To my surprise and consternation she still smiled sweetly when she said. "Probably for the best that he rang..., before anything happened."

She turned for the door, leaving me shocked and heartbroken when she opened it and stepped out. But just before she she walked out completely she turned back with her sweetest smile. "I'm not sure I could have stopped if you started... and this isn't the ideal place for a hot make out session. Next time...Take me somewhere nobody can interrupt."

I knew I was late for class but I hadn't left yet, I did turn my phone off. It wasn't like I could get behind so I stayed in the room at the back of the library for the rest of the period and finally walked to the office to be excused for the rest of the day. I could have finished high school ages ago but I liked being with my brother and Rafe, and even Sly. I liked being normal even if I hid behind the bad boy exterior we had so carefully crafted. I had always refused to move up classes because I didn't want to leave Mike behind and our parents were very supportive, said it was better for my social development. But in the mean time I was working on my masters in advanced robotics. My parents didn't even know that I'd already graduated with my degree. They made such a big deal out of things. Thankfully the Dean of our university had taken the time to listen to me when I told him I just wanted to grow up first. My professors were all very good and didn't treat me differently to my classmates. The other students thought I was just one of those guys that looked younger than others, they were well in their twenties. I had turned down a few girls that asked me on dates saying I was in a committed relationship, they didn't need to know I hadn't even been legal when they asked me out. Rafe thought it was funny, saying most high school guys would do anything for a college girl to ask them out and only Rafe and Lee knew about the job offers I'd turned down already.

Now I had a girl my own age, interested in me for me, but not my image and I had no idea what to do with it. I slowly started walking home and stopped in at a place that made the best burgers in town on my way. I was sitting, lost in thought about Milly when someone slid into the booth in front of me. The guy looked like Milly's oldest brother and he held out his hand. "Hi. I know you met Nathan, Chase and dad and I know we look alike so you can guess who I am."

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