15. 16.

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15. His POV

Bernie wasn't happy with Lucas but the feeling was clearly mutual. They were sitting where they always did looking majorly annoyed and Rafe steered her to the back of the room on the opposite side. The people sitting there moved before we even got there. We always had the back. Rafe shot me an apologetic glance and I knew he wanted to sit with her during this lesson so I simply nodded. He had to have figured out what I had... Bernie wanted her as his but she didn't return the sentiment. Lucas knew and didn't like his best friend going after his cousin.

Bernie had a reputation too. Not a player as such, he did date the girls. He treated them well and was always attentive to his girlfriends. Some girls lasted quite a while but without fail, he always dumped them rather unexpectedly, always just when things were close to perfect. I'm not sure if the girls talked about it amongst themselves but I'm sure all the guys in the school knew he dumped after he got them. He simply lost interest once he made it all the way. As his best friend Lucas had to know. Poor guy, his ass of a best friend after his cousin.

She had a very quiet conversation with Rafe and I couldn't hear what they were talking about but the lesson seemed to pass before I knew it. During Chinese I found out she was actually really good at it. The teacher was impressed but she simply explained that there was an older Chinese gentleman that was part of her family and his wife babysat her when needed so she learned the language at a young age and they still kept in touch now she was older. We had a good teacher and that lesson also went fast. She had sat down beside me without a word, ignoring all the looks from the other students and the teacher when she did.

I'm sure that people would get used to seeing her with us but I was worried what the rumors would be and how they would affect her because she was either with me or Rafe if she wasn't with Lucas and his crew. Like lunch, she sat with us again and Rafe had actually gotten a tray of food too. He didn't often eat food made at school, said the food wasn't good enough and the good stuff they did have wasn't healthy enough. He rather went without. But he also flat out refused to let his mum make him lunch because she put smiley faces and stuff on the bag. Half the time he forgot to make his own lunch.

He got an extra serve of fries and put them at the side she sat at. I was right across from her and watched in amusement as she glanced at his fries several times. She had eaten her own fries before starting on a fruit salad. The looks were puppy dog sad but whenever Rafe looked at her she would quickly look away.

"Baby girl?"

"I know you want them."
"You are trying to butter me up."

"I would have bought pizza but they didn't have any."
"It's not changing anything."

"No, it isn't, because we will talk about it."
"I don't wanna be your friend anymore." She replied childishly.
Sly chuckled. "Well, she told you!"
"She only lasted a day." Mike gasped dramatically.

"I haven't broken the rules therefore we are still friends." He told her blandly.
She grabbed the container with the fries and looked at him with a hand full saying. "I'm sorry. I can't talk with my mouth full!"
Then she proceeded to stuff the whole handful of fries into her mouth while still managing to look victorious. Rafe shook his head sadly.
"Baby girl. We have rules in our friendship, with these guys, that I'm gonna apply to ours. I won't make you tell me now because we are at school but you will tell."

"Just curious?" Sly said. "What does she need to tell?"
"Nothing!" She snapped quickly.

"Just how much Bernie has been intruding on her personal space without Lucas knowing."
She glared at Rafe quite ferociously. But Mike looked disgusted. "She's practically Miller's sister! That's just off limits!" Making her look up in surprise.

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