41. 42.

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Luuuuuve you all, I have the best readers💋💋
You're Awesome ;)
41. His POV

Two of the men that followed Lee's father in were huge, the third one was barely taller than Milly. The moment she spotted them, Milly shot from her seat and launched herself at the oldest one. He caught her and silently held her close. Suddenly she raised her head and told him how much she had missed him. The other big man smirked beside her and held his arms open. "What about me, Shortstuff?"

The first man put her down and she jumped into the arms of the second man who lifted her without thought while she smirked back at him. "I'm sure you missed me more than I missed you, Dimwit!"

Then I saw her hands and realised that she was signing behind his head and the last guy was silently laughing before replying to her making her giggle.

"Hey! No talking behind my back!" The man holding her growled as he pulled her off him like a baby monkey. She replied by signing in his face with a shiteating grin in such a way that both the other strangers could see it as well. Two burst out laughing out loud while the smaller one silently laughed and stepped forward. The moment her feet hit the ground she hugged him too, long enough to make me jealous of his arms around her holding on to her so tightly. I couldn't see her face but he had his eyes closed and was smiling. The family resemblance between the two was clear. He was almost as short as her with the same brown hair and had the same delicate features as Milly. The biggest difference, beside him being male, was that he was extremely pale.

The oldest man had to be her father, she had his eyes and the same skin tone as he did. The last man had the same eyes too and was built like their father but he was almost as pale as the short man. Milly pulled me from my daydreams when she turned around with her hands before her signing as she spoke to everyone else.

"The redhead is Rafael, he prefers Rafe, we met at school and he befriended me. He is mainly a boxer but he mixes it up a bit and does it very well. He has an amazing left hook. The one holding his hand is Lee, our gracious host and none of you are allowed to be angry at him for wanting to go out with his friends. I agree that it might not have been the wisest choice he made but please be nice guys. He does mixed martial arts and is really good from what I heard but I haven't seen him fight." She addressed her family with a quick wink at Lee.

"The last one is Daryl but I prefer to call him Superman because he is a freaking genius and he can fight well too, he's quick and cunning in a fight."

The men looked at us, assessing us. I thought it was random that she introduced us with the mention of our fighting skills but they seemed to understand some sort of sub-current that the rest of us were not aware of. Then she turned to Lee's father and bowed down, greeting him in rapid Chinese while still signing along to her words. I noticed that Mr. Wung was speculatively looking at her hands when he answered in Chinese. Lee and the other two men looked around to the smaller man and Milly turned to the the guy that she was signing for. Much to our surprise his hands flew and Milly started talking.

"I understand every damned word everyone speaks, she signs so that she can keep her skills up to date and we can talk without others understanding. They all do it. Just like you using a very obscure dialect in Chinese because you think not everyone understands while most of your men speak a different dialect or standard Mandarin. If it makes you feel better, she said you remind her of our grandmother. It's a compliment, she was an insanely dangerous and devious woman."

"I am truly sorry, young Mr Miller." Mr. Wung said in perfect English. "I was under the assumption that you were deaf."

The hands flew again. "Most people are. I have no problem with that. Milly was born long after the rest of us and we could all sign very fast when she was barely learning to use her hands so she started translating words to signs as practice. When she got older she kept doing it but started adding her extra comments instead."

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