Shin Maw • Day 3

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"Um, where is the tree mail??" Shiloh asked frantically, breaking the general silence that was most of the tribe gathered around the firepit to start off the morning.

"What do you mean, where is the tree mail?" Liam asked.

"The tree mail, for the challenge," Shiloh exclaimed.

"Wait, there's tree mail?" Liam asked. 

"Yes," Shiloh replied.

Shiloh (Shin Maw Tribe): So.... we kind of don't know where our tree mail is. We just... didn't bother to look for it for three whole days.

Liam (Shin Maw Tribe): Honestly? I didn't even know what tree mail was, but Shiloh started panicking and freaking out about the tree mail and that we couldn't find it. So clearly this tree mail is, like, a scroll directly from heaven or something.

"Tree mail's just, like... it gives us a hint on the challenge we're about to do," Shiloh explained.

"Okay, so do we just find it?" Liam asked. "Does someone tell us?"

"We have to go find it," John interjected. "There's probably like a mailbox somewhere."

"In the middle of the jungle..." Liam said sarcastically. "A mailbox."

John laughed. "Let's go find it," he suggested.

John, Lauren, Liam, and Shiloh went together to find the tree mail. "It's probably, like, just down this way..." John said, as the four of them walked a ways down the shore, to where none of them had explored before.

"Oh, is that it?" Lauren asked, pointing at a bamboo mailbox attached to a palm tree, facing towards the ocean.

"There it is!" Shiloh exclaimed. Lauren was correct. The four of them walked over to the mailbox, and Liam pulled out the piece of parchment. "So this is it?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, that's the tree mail," Shiloh said.

Lauren (Shin Maw Tribe): I'm kinda shocked, actually, that nobody even went to this part of the beach until now. Or... that nobody even thought about the tree mail. I guess it's a good thing that we figured out it existed today, rather than never. I don't know.


"We have the tree mail!" Lauren exclaimed, as the group of four returned to the rest of the tribe.

"You guys found it?" Alex asked. 

"What does it say?" Brianna asked.

"I waited to read it until we got back," Shiloh exclaimed, holding the piece of parchment out in front of her. The parchment read:

"Fire represents your life in this game, 

It's the most important thing you can get. 

If your tribe can bring glory to the open flame,

No one from it will leave the game yet."

"So it's about fire," Brianna said.

"I think so, yeah," Emmanuel said.

"Do we get to, like, set things on fire?" Alex asked. "That sounds fun."

"That would be fun, but that might be... illegal," Emmanuel exclaimed. Alex laughed.

Brianna (Shin Maw Tribe): By the sounds of it, the challenge is somewhat related to fire, which is kind of interesting. I think our tribe has a good chance of winning it... not because of me or anything, but I think we have a good chance. We're a pretty good tribe, and we get along pretty well overall, so I'm hoping for the best.

"What do you think our odds are going into this?" Victoria asked. "Like, the chances we'll win?"

"We won the first one," Liam said. "So, statistically, it's like 100%." Victoria laughed, and so did a few others.

"I mean, I'd like to hope our chances are pretty good," Kalyani exclaimed. "I think we're a pretty strong tribe."

"I just hope we don't have to go to tribal council immediately," Shiloh said. "I'd feel bad having to vote someone off already."

"Well, hopefully we're just better than the other tribe then," Emmanuel stated.

"What do you mean hopefully?" Lauren asked. "We are better."

"This is a fire-based challenge. We have flint already, they don't. We're like, basically meant for this," John joked. "I am a little worried about my challenge abilities, though."

"Me too," Alex agreed.

"Yeah, same," Emmanuel chimed in.

"I don't know how I'll do," said Shiloh.

"I could suck ass, honestly," Liam exclaimed.

"I might be terrible, just a warning," Victoria stated.

"Well, maybe we'll be entertaining to watch, if nothing else," Kalyani interjected. Everyone laughed.

Victoria (Shin Maw Tribe): My skills in the challenge are basically a big question mark. I could do really good, I could suck. Who knows. All I know is our team won the first challenge, so we can probably win the second too if we just work together and make the right people do the right things. I'm definitely ready for whatever this immunity challenge brings us.... but I hope it's a win, I really do.

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