Pyin Sa • Day 4

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Rallin, Eyal, and Brandon were sitting on the shore, letting the water brush against their feet and watching the sun set together. "Holy, this view is amazing," Rallin exclaimed.

"They really are," Eyal agreed. "Sunsets just don't look like this at home."

"Oh, for sure," Brandon agreed. "It's nice to not have any city lights or anything, and just being able to look directly at the sunset."

"If we get far enough, we've got 35 more of these to go," Rallin said.

"I think one of my biggest motivations to stay in this game is just how beautiful everything is," Brandon exclaimed. 

"Yeah," Rallin agreed. "This game really makes you appreciate the nature..."

Rallin (Pyin Sa Tribe): Man, I love the sunsets here. They're just so beautiful. In a way, they kind of remind me of how genuinely raw this game is. Survivor is a game that strips you to your core, and exposes the most vulnerable version of you there is.

"I'm never gonna forget these moments," Eyal said.

And, for a little while, the boys just sat there together and admired the sunset in peace.

Rallin (Pyin Sa Tribe/continued): And sometimes, I feel like a lot of people forget that as much as this is a game, this is also a once-in-a-lifetime experience. We are never going to get a chance to do this again. So we HAVE to make sure that we are taking it all in, and enjoying every moment for what it truly is.


As Rallin, Eyal, and Brandon all were at peace watching the sunset, their fellow tribemates were a lot less at peace, specifically Isabella and Camryn, both of whom were on bad terms with one another. This got put to the test as Camryn accidentally dropped a machete she was trying to open a coconut with, and nearly hit Isabella's foot. "Can you watch out?" Isabella snapped.

"I'm sorry," Camryn said gently. "It slipped."

"Maybe if you didn't hold it like a six-year-old, it wouldn't do that," Isabella exclaimed.

"Isabella, why are you in such a bad mood?" Camryn asked. The rest of the tribe that was there (Matthew, Alexa, Adora, and Mia) all turned their heads to see what was going on.

"Because I don't understand why you always have to be on the good side of everything!" Isabella exclaimed. "Everyone knows you're pitting people against each other, Camryn, and I'm sick of you pretending like everything's perfect between you and I!"

"Pitting people against each other?" Camryn asked. "What?"

"You told me last night that people were throwing my name out," Isabella said. "You remember that conversation, do you not?"

"The one where I was telling the truth?" Camryn exclaimed. "I have not told a lie to you in this game, Isabella, and I don't know where that came from."

Mia (Pyin Sa Tribe): I don't know what to feel about Isabella right now. She is a magnet for conflict, on one end, but on the other end, she did offer her word to me and she told me about Camryn throwing us under the bus. Isabella thinks that Camryn is lying about that whole thing... but she wasn't lying. So now there's a wedge between them. And all I'm thinking is, at least it's not me in the spotlight.

"The one thing Sam was right about in this game was that I couldn't trust you," Isabella snapped.

"I don't even know what to say to you right now," Camryn said, trying to keep her cool.

Camryn (Pyin Sa Tribe): I feel like everything on this tribe is going, like, one hundred miles a minute. Yesterday, I told Isabella the complete truth about what happened with the girls throwing her name out, and all of a sudden Isabella's siding with them and trying to cause a rivalry with me... It's not fair.


Camryn sat down by herself on the shore, on the opposite side that the three boys were on. Adora joined her a few moments later, and as she approached her, Camryn was already huddled up and crying. "What's wrong?" Adora asked.

"I was telling the truth to Isabella," Camryn said. "And I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry about?" Adora exclaimed.

"That I threw you guys under the bus..." Camryn replied, wiping tears from her eyes with her sleeves, "...and told Isabella. I thought I could trust her."

"Isabella did not need to do that at all," Adora said. She paused for a moment, to think about her next words. "I don't really care that you threw me under the bus to Isabella, especially if she's gonna act like that."

"Yeah," Camryn said gently. "Thank you."

"I just appreciate that you apologized," Adora exclaimed.

Adora (Pyin Sa Tribe): I can tell that Camryn is a very genuine person, and it makes me want to trust her so bad. But I feel like how genuine she is is actually also a bad thing, because it gets her into these situations that it's difficult for her to get out of. I want to work with her, but at the same time, she's already thrown me and my allies under the bus once. It could happen again. Who knows?

"You're not getting voted out before she does," Adora exclaimed. "If we tell her you are, we are lying."

"I hope so," Camryn said. She sighed. "Isabella is probably just really tired."

"The elements take a toll on people out here," Adora mentioned, "so it's very possible."

"It still sucks," Camryn exclaimed.

Camryn (Pyin Sa Tribe): I accidentally dropped the machete and almost hit Isabella, and she got really mad at me and kinda blew up in my face. I wasn't really focused on the fact that she got that upset with me, actually. I was more worried that she openly admitted that she told other people that I was lying to her when that was absolutely NOT the case. I went and told her what I said for the sake of trust, and apparently she's going around telling everybody I'm LYING? That is not gonna fly with me.

"I want her out," Camryn said. "If she wants to act like that, I want her gone."

"I'm on the same boat as you," Adora agreed. "But it's just a matter of if I can get others to agree."

"I hope you can," Camryn said. "I owe you everything in this game if you can do it."

"I'll do whatever I can," Adora exclaimed. "I think you're in a lot less trouble than you think you are."

"I hope so," Camryn stated, "because I feel like there's no way I can make it through this tribal."

"Just trust me," Adora said. "We will make this work."

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