Pyin Sa • Day 7

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"I'm sorry," Matthew exclaimed as the Pyin Sa Tribe returned to camp.

"Let's just not worry about the challenge right now," Adora said. "We win as a tribe, and we lose as a tribe. We need to get a fire going right now."

"Yeah, can we start doing the winning-as-a-tribe part a little more often?" Isabella complained.

"Honestly," Eyal agreed. "They've won four times, and we have one."

"Better than zero," Mia said.

"And worse than four," Isabella replied. "Like, honestly. You'd think we'd win them. We have, you know, Alexa? And Mia? And... everyone else?"

Isabella (Pyin Sa Tribe): We lose everything! And it's not because the other tribe is better than us, because we have strong individuals who know how to do well in challenges. Alexa and Mia, they're like challenge beasts. They'd be better off on the other tribe, since they literally win everything they do. I will never vote any of them off, ever. They're too useful!


"Isabella literally sucks at challenges," Adora complained to Mia and Alexa, as the latter was trying to climb a coconut tree. "Like, name one she's done good in."

"Well we kept her over Sam, so that's our fault," Mia said. 

"But Sam was such a bitch," Adora exclaimed. "I don't mind that we voted Sam off first... but we have to let Isabella go the next vote we go to."

"Which is probably the next vote," Mia added.

"Yeah," Alexa exclaimed. "Well, I'm prepared for tribal if we have to go tomorrow. It's us, Camryn, and Matthew, voting Isabella."

"Exactly," the other girls agreed.

Alexa (Pyin Sa Tribe): This tribe seems very straightforward, for whatever reason. Every time there's the threat of a tribal, I at least know exactly what I want to do. Last time, it was an easy Sam vote, and now it's an easy Isabella vote. I feel like when we get rid of Isabella, though, things could get tricky.

"Wait, but doesn't Isabella actually want to work with us?" Adora asked.

"She's been telling everybody that, trust me," Mia said.

"Actually?" Adora exclaimed.

"How much do you wanna bet she's sucking up to one of the boys right now, telling them she's got us locked to vote with her?" Mia said bluntly. "Like, does she not know we're working with Camryn right now?"

"She's underestimating how close we are with her, I guess," Alexa said. "There's some really nice coconuts up here, oh my god—"

"She thinks everyone's against Camryn or something," Adora said.

Mia (Pyin Sa Tribe): Being on this tribe makes Survivor so much harder for me. You get the physical part, because you're always hungry and tired... then there's the emotional part, because you're always paranoid. There's the mental part, because you always have to be in game mode. And then... I like to call it the tolerance part. Because I have to tolerate this tribe constantly.

There were some noises of machete whacking from up above, and coconuts started falling on the ground around Mia and Adora.

"We just need to keep her comfortable, so that she doesn't freak out and start looking for an idol or something," Mia exclaimed.

"Exactly," Adora agreed. "Actually, shouldn't we look for the idol?"

"I mean, I don't think we can just do it without planning in advance," Alexa exclaimed; she was starting now to descend the tree.

"Just think," Adora exclaimed. "If we find the idol first, Isabella won't be at risk of finding it herself."

"It's not that," Mia said. "It's that we could get caught ourselves, then they don't trust us."

Adora (Pyin Sa Tribe): At some point, I want to look for the immunity idol. Because at some point, everybody here is gonna think about it, and then they're gonna start looking for it. But I want the idol in my hands... so I thought that maybe I could just search for it myself, since the others don't want to.


And so, a little bit later in the day, Adora began her search for the immunity idol. "So first, I'm gonna go down this trail here..." Adora said, mostly to herself.

For every tree she past, she quickly looked up to its leaves, and then dug around at the bottom. "I'm really hoping it's not... up in a tree or anything," Adora exclaimed, laughing.

Suddenly, Adora bent down and started digging at what certainly took the shape of an immunity idol. It was half-sticking out of the ground, tucked underneath one of the bushes. She couldn't just pull it out, so she had to dig around it.

It was just a rock. "Damn it," she whispered, tossing the rock to the side and continuing her search.

Adora (Pyin Sa Tribe): I went off on my own and started looking for the idol without Alexa or Mia. If they don't want to find the immunity idol right now, then I will. They don't need to know.

And suddenly, Adora noticed something that stood out; finally, something to investigate more. Tucked underneath another bush was a clay pot, with what appeared to be a parchment on the front. "Oh god..." Adora said, bending down to look at what appeared to be a clay pot.

She picked it up, and immediately was put off by how it felt. "There's like... a liquid inside."

Adora (Pyin Sa Tribe/continued): So I look around a bit, and there's this pot just sitting there on the ground. And I pick it up, and I realize that I can't open it, and there's clearly liquid inside. Not only that, but there's a note on the front of it, too. It says...

"If you can find a way to destroy this, what you seek is waiting inside," Adora read. She raised her eyebrows, and re-read the parchment. "What the hell?"

Adora's first thought was to look for some sort of rock. She brought the pot with her, and walked even more down the path. "There's no stones anywhere," she said, looking everywhere she could for a stone large enough to smash the pot on.

Eventually, she gave up, and knelt down and placed her pot on its side on the ground. With a look on her face indicating that she knew she would regret what she was about to do, Adora smashed the pot with her fist.

And it worked. The pot smashed into pieces, and bright turquoise liquid spilled out of the pot, getting a part of her hand wet. However, conveniently enough, it began to rain. "Oh my god, is that it?" Adora asked, picking up a package that was lying in the remnants of the pot.

Adora (Pyin Sa Tribe • 1 Immunity Idol/continued): And then I go and I smash the pot, and the idol is inside (she pulls out of her pocket a Burmese jade pendant, with no rope attached to it - it takes the shape of a disc, and is about the size of her palm)! I have an immunity idol, and nobody knows about it!

"Oh my god, okay, um..." she said frantically, not sure what to do with her idol. She dropped it into her shirt for the time being, and then did her best to clean up the area. She grabbed each of the pieces of pot and then threw them as far away as she could, and used leaves to cover up the ground that was stained by the turquoise liquid. "That should do it," she exclaimed.

"I need to get back to camp, or else somebody's gonna get suspicious," Adora said, as she hurriedly walked back to camp, making sure the idol was still on her person.

Adora (Pyin Sa Tribe • 1 Immunity Idol/continued): Nobody's gonna know about my idol for now. Not Alexa, not Mia, not anyone! This idol is mine, and I want to keep it that way.

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