Pyin Sa • Day 5

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"That... was ridiculous," said Eyal. He, like the rest of his tribe, was upset by losing three times in a row, and it was starting to become something that constantly drained the Pyin Sa Tribe of their much-needed energy, as if the conditions they were living in and the elements they had to battle wasn't enough.

"Is the game supposed to be this hard on Day 5?" Camryn asked. "This is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, and we have a month left!"

"I just don't get why we can't beat them one time," Rallin exclaimed.

Isabella sighed heavily. "This sucks. So much."

"Did Sam like curse us or something?" Adora joked. A few people laughed, but many didn't have the energy to acknowledge that a joke was even made.

Alexa (Pyin Sa Tribe): Wow, this tribe is... terrible. I feel like our tribe has better people individually, but something about their tribe just gives them the upper edge every single time. And it's crushing me, a little. 

Alexa stood up and walked away from the rest of the tribe, and then over to a spot some ways down the beach, where she sat down and began to cry.

Alexa (Pyin Sa Tribe/continued): Like, come on. Five fucking days into the game, and they've won three times and we have nothing. They're probably a happy little family, and here we are... en route to be one of the worst tribes ever. It took us over half a week to get a decent shelter, people are fighting, we can't win anything... (tearfully) like, we are good for nothing! We suck! It's Day 5 and I'm already so defeated, because we suck so much. Something needs to change.

After a little while, Mia noticed Alexa sitting by herself, and walked over to join them. "Are you alright?" Mia asked. "What's going on?"

"I'm just demoralized," Alexa admitted. "Things fucking suck right now."

"Oh, I agree with you for sure," Mia exclaimed. "But if it's any comfort for you at all, I'll do my best to make sure that we vote out a weak link when we lose next."

"Isabella?" Alexa asked.

"Yeah, probably," Mia agreed. "Or maybe Camryn. We've got ourselves, Adora, and probably the boys as well."

"Will the boys work with us?" Alexa asked.

"Probably, if the vote's that simple," Mia exclaimed. "They know they're on the bottom."

"I kind of wish we kept Sam," Alexa mentioned.

"Honestly? Same," Mia agreed. "At least he could help us win a challenge maybe."

"With Isabella and Camryn on our tribe, we're never going to get a single challenge win," Alexa exclaimed.

Mia (Pyin Sa Tribe): Sam might have sucked to live with, but I feel like I'd rather have Sam still be here and we win challenges, than Sam being out of the game and we lose all the challenges. Because, as much as I hate to admit it, Sam was right. We're not gonna win challenges if we keep our weakest members. In my mind, Camryn or Isabella is getting voted off the next time we lose. And this time, I'm not budging because someone else gave me a "better plan."

"You know, you're a great person to work with," Alexa mentioned. "You actually make smart decisions."

"I can say the exact same about you," Mia stated.

"I wanna be with you until the end," Alexa said heartfully.

"Same here," Mia exclaimed. "And I'll do anything I can to get you there."

Alexa (Pyin Sa Tribe): Mia's the only person I can 100% trust right now, because she's the only person who actually knows what we should be doing on this tribe, which is taking out the weak people so we can stop losing challenges. Mia reminds me of myself in a lot of ways, actually. She's strong, but she also has a soft heart. She doesn't put up with bullshit, and she's very athletic. And she's the exact kind of person I want to work with long-term.


Rallin, Brandon, and Eyal were together at the water well, refilling their water canteens. "I feel like there's gonna be another tribal for us tomorrow," Rallin said. "We should plan for that, probably..."

Brandon chuckled. "Yeah... what are you guys thinking?"

"Our best bet right now, I think, is Isabella," Eyal exclaimed. "She told us that she wanted to work with us and that she had the numbers.

Eyal (Pyin Sa Tribe): I feel like nobody even really realizes it yet, but there's definitely been some sort of line drawn in the sand. And... me, Rallin, and Brandon are on the ''wrong'' side of that line. As much as she's weak in challenges and doesn't do much around camp, Isabella is probably our only option, because she claims to have connections with Alexa, Adora, and Mia.

"There's just so much blind trust," Rallin said. "I HATE it."

"It's not ideal, but if we really are on the bottom of this tribe, it's our best bet," Brandon mentioned. "Just in case."

"Yeah, but it still is so frustrating that we might be in a position where our only hope in this game is Isabella," Rallin uttered, thinking about her performance in the Reward Challenge that was nothing short of disastrous.

"Hopefully our token worm will get us through this," Eyal joked. Brandon and Rallin burst into laughter, and Eyal joined soon after.

Rallin (Pyin Sa Tribe): Things aren't looking too great for my alliance in this game, honestly. It's like, something is definitely wrong right now, and I have NO idea what it is. I feel like there have been definitive alliances set up, and I might be in the wrong one, who knows. But I'm loyal to Eyal and Brandon, and I'm not going to betray them... unless I have to.

"Why don't we just try winning tomorrow?" Brandon asked, half-seriously. "Like, if we just give it our all in the challenge tomorrow, we'll have more time for things? And we can actually confirm that a unanimous vote against Camryn is possible?"

"I'm not getting my hopes up," Eyal exclaimed. "Like, this tribe literally sucks."

"Well, I'm not going to count out the possibility," Brandon said. "Because all we need right now... is time."

"Should we tell Matthew about this?" Rallin asked. "Is he with Camryn?"

"Is he with anyone?" Eyal asked.


All three boys approached Matthew, who was walking around the beach by himself, in order to have a discussion about the vote. "Matt, do you have any idea about the vote?" Rallin asked.

"Uh..." Matthew uttered. "Not really, no. Why?"

"I think the general consensus is that we're gonna get Camryn out if we lose tomorrow," Rallin exclaimed.

"I think the whole tribe knows," Eyal added.

"So everybody will be voting Camryn?" Matthew asked.

"Yeah, pretty much," Brandon reassured him. "You're okay with that, right?"

"Sure," Matthew agreed. "As long as I'm not getting voted off."

"You're not in trouble at all, don't worry," Rallin exclaimed. "We like you and want to work with you."

"Well, thank you," Matthew said. And as suddenly as the conversation started, the conversation ended, and the boys dispersed awkwardly after a few seconds of talk.

Matthew (Pyin Sa Tribe): I'm gonna be honest. I was lying when I told them I agreed to the Camryn vote. I don't think I want to vote out Camryn right now, honestly. After seeing how Isabella yelled at her last night, I think Isabella should be voted off instead.

Matthew continued walking around in the sand, alone and unbothered. "Camryn..." he muttered to himself. "...or Isabella..." he added, even quieter.

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