Pyin Sa • Day 9

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"...apply that principle to the challenge today, or another reward says goodbye," Adora read. "Well that's encouraging."

Pyin Sa, just like Shin Maw, found and read the tree mail. There was going to be a reward challenge today, and it seemed to be about balance. It was the first of its kind this season, and nobody was more motivated to win it than Pyin Sa. With Sam and Isabella gone, perhaps they had a shot.

"We've only lost three out of three reward challenges so far... what's one more?" Eyal joked.

"Oh my god," Alexa exclaimed. "We need this win so bad."

"We say that every time," Rallin said. "But you know what this tribe needs? Communication."

"Absolutely," Camryn agreed.

"Like, we are just not gonna win anything if we don't talk things out as a tribe," Rallin exclaimed. "I've been observing the other tribe in challenges, and they actually talk... we need to start having a communication, or this tribe isn't going anywhere."

"I think communication is gonna be really important today," Mia said. "It's important in every challenge, but I feel like this is extremely teamwork-focused..."

"And that's why we need to be communicating like crazy today," Rallin said. "We can win this. We have it in us. We just need to put in the work."

Rallin (Pyin Sa Tribe): This tribe is one of the worst in Survivor history at challenges. But... I think there's a reason behind it, and I also think that we can change the trajectory of this tribe. We've won one of six challenges so far, and I think the biggest issue is that we just don't talk things out as a tribe. We try to compete as eight individuals, or nine individuals, or ten individuals, instead of a TRIBE.

"Like, think of all the challenges we've lost," Rallin continued. "Why did we lose the first immunity?"

"Because we couldn't paddle," Adora exclaimed.

"We weren't paddling in sync," Rallin repeated. "That's when they caught up and past us. They had Alex chanting, and that's when they paddled. They were a TEAM paddling, and we paddled like six individuals. Why did we lose the water slide challenge?"

"Because I suck at puzzles," Brandon laughed.

"We didn't communicate," Rallin continued. 

Rallin (Pyin Sa Tribe/continued): It's all about communication. Clearly, Shin Maw is doing something right. I don't think that some of them stand a chance against us as physical individuals, based on pure physical strength and athletic ability. But they're the tribe that actually has some sense of unity. They're probably gonna be all "Shin Maw strong" when the swap comes around, and we're gonna be so screwed. Like, what is this, "Pyin Sa weak?" We need to turn things around. We NEED to.

"And why did we lose the blindfold challenge?" Rallin asked.

"Not enough communication?" Camryn asked.

"We didn't communicate," Rallin repeated. "You see the issue?"

"So we just need to communicate, and then we win?" Matthew asked. "If it was that easy, why didn't we just do it before?"

"I'm not saying we're gonna start winning everything the minute we start talking," Rallin exclaimed. "But I think we should at least try having a dialogue with each other, so that we can be more united for these challenges."

Alexa (Pyin Sa Tribe): Rallin had a pep talk with the tribe before the reward challenge today, and he talked about why it's important to have communication as a tribe. I feel like we've been very disconnected with each other in the challenges since the beginning, and honestly, that goes way back to Sam being a bitch on the first day. We started on a bad foot, and haven't been able to pick up from it since. I absolutely agree that this tribe desperately needs to communicate.

"A lot of our losses aren't even blowouts," Alexa exclaimed. "We usually barely lose."

"We lost by one piece yesterday!" Camryn interjected. "One piece!"

"I'm aware," Alexa replied, her tone suddenly turning cold as she remembered yesterday in detail.

"We've had all this talk about how bad we wanna win the challenges, and I think it's time that we actually put it into action and start doing something about all this losing," Rallin exclaimed.

"You know what?" Mia asked. "I think we're gonna win this one today."

"Don't jinx it!" Camryn exclaimed. A few people laughed.

Mia (Pyin Sa Tribe): I hated this tribe yesterday. Hell, I still kinda hate it today. But I do think that this tribe can maybe turn things around in the challenge today. And maybe pull out a win for us. With every loss, we have even more motivation to win. And I want nothing more but to shove it in Shin Maw's face once again. I miss the feeling, you know? Of winning? It's been three days since we've won now, and we've lost two more times. I just want something to give me hope in this tribe, you know?

"After the challenge, I wanna touch up the shelter," Alexa said.

"If we don't win, I will probably cry for a couple hours, but then I'll help," Adora exclaimed. The whole tribe laughed.

"I'll join you, girl," Alexa exclaimed. "I cried yesterday, and I cried the other... hundred... times we lost!" A couple people looked at Alexa oddly. "Not really, though," she added.

"We really do need to fix that shelter," Brandon agreed. "After what happened a couple days ago... it needs some work."

"Are we, like, totally revamping it?" Eyal asked. "Or just touch-ups."

"It's a fine base," Alexa exclaimed. "But I think we need to add more to the roof."

"I agree," Eyal said.

"Do you think the reward could be a toolkit or something?" Adora asked. "So we have... actual things to use to help us for this shelter?"

"Shin Maw won that," Mia exclaimed.

"Oh," Adora said, her face dropping.

Adora (Pyin Sa Tribe • 1 immunity idol): I've been saying from the get-go that the shelter isn't too great on this tribe. So I'm glad that we actually have some sort of motivation to actually... work on it today. Hopefully we don't lose this reward challenge, and then we can actually use that motivational boost and just get it all done today, after enjoying whatever our reward is. In my wildest dreams, of course, because there's a very slim chance we're gonna win today unless we actually put Rallin's pep talk to use. But I have hope. I think we can maybe pull it off.

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