Immunity Challenge - Lock, Load, and Light • Day 3

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"Come on in!"

Whenever Jeff said those words, the tribes would walk into a challenge that they were about to participate in, either for reward (like they did two days ago), or for the most important thing in the game of Survivor—immunity. Immunity guarantees a tribe safety from tribal council, and they will not have to vote anybody out of the game if it is in their possession.

And immunity, for the first time, was up for grabs.

Walking in first, in single file, was the Shin Maw Tribe, wearing yellow, as the tribe that came out on top in the previous reward challenge. They had the confidence from winning the first challenge, and they had the added energy boost that came from winning the flint and being able to make fire.

 They had the confidence from winning the first challenge, and they had the added energy boost that came from winning the flint and being able to make fire

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Trailing behind them, also in single file, was the Pyin Sa Tribe, wearing turquoise, as the tribe that lost the opening reward challenge. They may not have won the first challenge, but they had the determination for glory this time that the other tribe did not have, and they were hoping for the very best.

 They may not have won the first challenge, but they had the determination for glory this time that the other tribe did not have, and they were hoping for the very best

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The challenge in question consisted two tribe mats positioned in front of two large sand mounds, which lead to large pieces that would be used to assemble a boat. In addition, some one hundred or more feet out in the water, there were two floating platforms, each with a massive lit torch. Behind the mats was a puzzle station with four small slots, and behind that, a ramp with a few open braces (indicating a ladder) and four additional slots similar to those on the puzzle station. Finally, at the very top of the ramp, there was a platform with two bales of fire, with tribe flags behind them.

There were two other tribe mats, one yellow and one turquoise, positioned off to the side of the challenge. Shin Maw positioned themselves on the yellow mat on the left, and shortly after, Pyin Sa positioned themselves on the turquoise mat on the right. "Alright," Jeff began, now that everyone was positioned. "Shin Maw, how have the first few days in this game been for you guys, having won flint at the reward challenge?"

"It's been going pretty well," Jonah exclaimed. "We were able to get a fire going a couple hours after we made it to camp, and we've been having everybody take turns practicing with the flint so far."

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