Pyin Sa • Day 10

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"I need to get this off my chest, honestly," Eyal admitted. He was talking with Mia, and the two of them were collecting palm fronds with the machete, now that Pyin Sa had finally decided to get started on renovating their flimsy shelter.

"What's up?" Mia asked.

"I don't know how I feel about my position in this game anymore," Eyal exclaimed.

"I mean... is it because of the Isabella vote?" Mia said.

"I should have flipped and voted Isabella, probably, yeah," Eyal said. "I don't wanna deviate from the other guys, but I just feel like it might not have been the best decision to stick with them."

Eyal (Pyin Sa Tribe): I've been thinking about last tribal council ever since it happened. I just can't figure out if I made the right decision or not, to stick with the guys and try and get Camryn out. It just feels like I've burned bridges with Camryn, and maybe even all the girls, and on top of that, I didn't vote right, because Camryn's still here, obviously.

"Do you feel like you're gonna get, like, targeted over that?" Mia asked.

"I hope not," Eyal exclaimed, "but I wouldn't be shocked. I think I'm the weakest out of me, Brandon, and Rallin."

"In... what?" Mia said.

"Challenges," Eyal replied. "It's the only thing that sets me apart from them, and I'm worse at challenges than they are."

"Right," Mia agreed. Eyal laughed.

Mia (Pyin Sa Tribe): Suddenly, Eyal's paranoid. And, if my suspicions are right that there is indeed a bit of a stalemate going on this tribe, and it's 4-4... that's perfect. Eyal is the fifth person I need to make sure my alliance can continue to control the vote. If we don't have Matthew anymore, Eyal's the perfect substitute, because I feel like even though Eyal is proving to be quite wishy-washy, he's very honest, and I'd like to imagine once he finds his footing, he'll stick with you. 

"I just wanna have a group of people who won't lead me to the slaughter," Eyal said. "I'm not saying Rallin and Brandon will turn on me, but I feel like it's a bit of a sinking ship."

"I mean, we'll take you in," Mia exclaimed. "Out of the guys on this tribe, I feel like you're the most genuine, and... I'd like to work with you."

"I wanna work with you too," Eyal said, "but I just need to lay everything out and think about what decision is right for me."

"Right," Mia agreed again. "Well, if we lose immunity again, you have two days to think about it. If not, you have... a lot more days."

Eyal (Pyin Sa Tribe): It's just such a difficult decision to make, and I don't think I have a lot of time to make it. I'd love to let the game get ahead of me and just go for whatever will keep me in the game, but I have to think about my future in detail, instead of just hoping I have a future at all.

"I'm just glad I could tell someone," Eyal exclaimed. "Please, just don't tell the guys I had this conversation."

"Oh, for sure," Mia said. "This conversation stays between us."


"Eyal might work with us," Mia exclaimed to Alexa.

"Wait, what?" Alexa exclaimed. "Are you sure? That's a big thing to just say—"

"He told me," Mia interrupted. "He's not sure how he feels about his current alliance."

"So we might get the numbers back?" Alexa asked. "I thought for sure that Matthew leaving us would be the end of us..."

"It was always gonna tie up anyways, but even if he sticks with them and it ties, there's not a chance in hell he's going to rocks for them," Mia said.

Alexa (Pyin Sa Tribe): Well, that's a great way to start the day, oh my god! Eyal could be saving our lives, apparently. I haven't really gotten too close with Eyal in this game yet, but if he's willing to be the gateway to our success in the game, then I'll certainly start getting to know him a hell of a lot better after this, because if he wants to work with us, then we've got three more tribal councils before shit hits the fan.

"He just climbed up the rankings so much for me," Alexa exclaimed. "And I know I'm being dramatic because he hasn't even confirmed allegiance to us, and he hasn't even spoken to three of us, but... god, I was considering targeting him, and now I'm absolutely not."

"I wouldn't target him now anyways," Mia said. "Not before Rallin or Brandon."

"Doesn't matter, because I'm not either anymore," Alexa laughed.

"Okay, but the bigger picture right now is that we are literally locked to at least final 14, if we really are that bad of a tribe... which we probably are," Mia exclaimed.

"But who do we go for first?" Alexa asked.

"Honestly, they've all got something going against them," Mia said.

Adora and Camryn both came up from behind, entering themselves into the conversation. "What's going on?" Camryn asked.

"Eyal wants to work with us, and we're figuring out which of the other three guys we're targeting now that we have the numbers," Alexa exclaimed.

"Well, he never gave us his word or anything yet," Mia said. "It's just a possibility that he's working with us, and he isn't super comfortable in his current position."

"But if he knows we're a tight four..." Adora interjected. "Wouldn't that just make him less comfortable, if he realizes he's the fifth?"

"He doesn't need to know that we're a tight four then," Alexa exclaimed.

Camryn (Pyin Sa Tribe): Right now, there's some scheming going on with the girls, because apparently Eyal is considering joining forces with us and giving us the majority. Everyone thinks Brandon is flying under the radar too much, Rallin schemes too much, and Matthew is way too much of a question mark for anyone to really trust him that much. And all of these are good reasons to take someone out. We just have to think about which of those qualities is more dangerous to keep around for our game.

"Will we go to rocks, if we have to do that?" Camryn asked.

"I would," Mia said instantly.

"Oh, me too," Alexa joined in.

"Hell yeah," Adora agreed. "No matter which one of you gets targeted by them, if it ties 4-4, we're sticking with each other."

"Eyal would probably flip over to our side in that case anyways, so if someone screws this up... really bad things could happen," Alexa said. The other girls agreed.

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