Shin Maw • Day 11

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"I love this tribe so much," Emmanuel said excitedly,  setting the tribal immunity idol down next to the hammock, which the tribe had designated as its assigned spot.

"I thought we were gonna lose at first," Lauren said. "We deserved that win."

"Emmanuel's strategy saved us from tribal tonight," Alex exclaimed.

"Yeah, Emmanuel, like you were great today," Kalyani said genuinely. "We need to put you on the puzzle more often."

Emmanuel laughed. "It's my strong suit, I guess... more so than balancing."

Emmanuel (Shin Maw Tribe): I feel, like, a total 180 of what I felt two days ago. I went from being the reason we lost to, pretty much, being the reason we won. And I really needed this for myself. I needed something to be happy about for once. Cause all these thoughts of failure and disappointment just kind of overwhelmed me a lot, and now I can finally feel like I kinda belong here. It's amazing.


"Brianna, what happened today?" Kalyani asked.

"At the challenge?" Brianna exclaimed.

"Yeah," Kalyani confirmed. "You seemed... off."

"I don't even know at this point," Brianna said. "I've been kind of off all day today, and I just wasn't really thinking straight, I guess."

Kalyani (Shin Maw Tribe): Today, at the challenge, even though we won, Brianna's performance... well, I don't wanna say it was BAD, but she's done way better before. It was just weird to see that, and I wanted to make sure she was okay before anything else.

"Do people think I was throwing or something?" Brianna asked. "Because I wasn't."

Kalyani hesitated for a moment. "I think the idea might have circulated a bit," she admitted. "People know you and Alex are at each other's throats, so it was like..."

"It looked like I was throwing to get Alex out, didn't it?" Brianna asked.

"To someone who wouldn't know better, yeah," Kalyani exclaimed.

"Well, I'm not stupid," Brianna said, now frustrated. "That evens up the numbers with Pyin Sa, and then if there's some sort of shuffle tomorrow... that would be such a dumb move."

"I know that," Kalyani affirmed her calmly. "But most people aren't as close to you as I am, and they might get that idea."

Brianna (Shin Maw Tribe): Well, thank god we didn't lose today, I guess. Except for Kalyani, everybody probably has the impression that I was trying to lose immunity on purpose just to vote out Alex. And... I really don't like Alex, but I'm not THAT petty. He's the one that's locked against me. I'm a pretty open player, honestly—it's been my strategy all game, to keep every door open. But perception is reality, and if everybody is under the impression that I tried to throw today, then that's the truth in their minds and that's it.


"I think Brianna threw today," Alex exclaimed promptly, as he was talking with John.

"Do you?" John asked.

"Yeah," Alex said. "Wouldn't put it past her, anyways. She hates me."

"I mean, it's not impossible," John exclaimed. "But she didn't tell anyone else, by the looks of it. Everyone else competed just fine."

"Cause all her allies are probably just pretending to work with her, probably," Alex said angrily. "I want her out."

"You really don't like her, do you?" John asked.

"She hates me! It's only fair," Alex exclaimed.

John (Shin Maw Tribe): I think I massively underestimated the rivalry Alex and Brianna have with each other. Like, these two HATE each other! I think the drama is personally quite stupid and they should resolve it and get over it, but there's just constant hate going from one of them to the other, and it's so back-and-forth and it's... it's kind of entertaining, actually.

"So, if we do go to tribal before a swap, you're voting Brianna," John said.

"One hundred percent," Alex agreed. "She and I could have worked together, but she messed that up and now I want her gone."

"Well, at the moment, if it's not you going, it's probably her," John said.

"Can you do anything you can to make sure it's her over me?" Alex asked.

"I mean, I don't know how much influence I have... but I can try," John exclaimed. Alex smiled.

Alex (Shin Maw Tribe): Brianna was someone I genuinely wanted to work with in this game, and we used to be just fine. But Victoria warned me about the tricks she likes to play, and I just can't trust her at all anymore. But it's not easy to target her, because she's so well-connected that anyone I talk to about her could just run and tell her everything I say. I just want someone to listen to my plans, I guess.


A bit later, the whole tribe had congregated around Jonah, who had just successfully started a fire. "There we go," he exclaimed, to applause from some.

"So are we having your fish tonight?" Victoria asked.

"The fish Emmanuel sat on earlier?" Liam chimed in.

Emmanuel laughed. "I still feel bad about it," he said.

"There's lots of fish in the ocean," Jonah exclaimed. "I'll catch some more tomorrow, then I'll find somewhere else to store them."

"I'm just happy we have the tools so that we can actually catch fish," John said.

"And someone who can catch them," Liam added.

"I still wanna learn!" Kalyani exclaimed. "It sounds so fun!"

"Guys," John interjected. "Who do we think is going home from Pyin Sa today?"

John (Shin Maw Tribe): Every time the other tribe goes to tribal, we like to speculate who will go home. We didn't get Sam right, but we got Isabella right. It's a very fun game, honestly—especially because we know nothing about that tribe.

"I think Eyal or Camryn will go," Lauren said. "Maybe Camryn. She's bumbled a couple challenges right at the end."

"They're not that boring, probably," Brianna disagreed. "I think it'll be a blindside."

"Like... Alexa maybe?" Alex suggested.

"They deserve to lose that much if they kick off Alexa third," Jonah said. "She's pretty much the only reason we've lost any challenges at all."

"Her and Mia," Victoria said. "They're the two strongest."

"Rallin's pretty good too," Emmanuel exclaimed. "I'd keep him around."

"I think we can agree that it's either Eyal or Camryn," Liam said. "Just for that challenge performance."

"Well, I guess we'll find out soon enough," Kalyani exclaimed. "I wanna get firewood, so I'll be right back."

"I'll come too," Brianna said.

Both girls stood up and walked off into the jungle, leaving the other seven members of Shin Maw around the fire. At the very least, all they had to do was wonder who would be going home.

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