Chapter 2: Matt

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The man makes his way into my apartment after I unlock it, and he seems to go straight for my kitchen.

"Wow.. so much food," he mutters to himself, opening my fridge and eyeing every item I just bought grocery shopping yesterday. ...If this bitch eats all my food.

"Yeah, and all of it's for me. Now get the fuck away from my fridge unless you ask politely for me to heat something up in there," I snap at him.

"Damn it's someone's time of the month again," he says going into my pantry next.

"Are you kidding me? That ended so long ago, and why are you in there?" I ask, confused. Ignoring my question, I start following him into my pantry, to find him scanning every package. He's probably really hungry, it's the least I can do.

"I can make some... waffles? If you want that is," I offer, finally finding the waffle mix I was looking for, and walking out of the pantry with the guy behind me. I don't even know his name. Weird. He hadn't told me.


1 am: I find myself safe in my apartment, on my couch. The TV is on now, and something on Cartoon Network is playing. The stranger who stole my car today is seated next to me on the left side of the couch, as I am on the right side.

I had already made both of us waffles, and he did the dishes, surprisingly.

As we both stare at the TV in boredom, I start wandering a little in my thoughts. I'm not exactly comfortable with this guy, knowing he just stole my car, but he seems like the nice kind of criminal.

"Are you ever going to tell me your name?" I ask out of curiousity. "I've been waiting for you to tell me all night." I look away from the TV, and to him.

"Ehhhhh, I've been saving it to build up suspense, but maybe I'll tell you," he slides much closer to my side of the couch, "only if you tell me yours, sweetheart." Okay who is this hoe.

Grossed out, I push him away from me, yelling, "Y/n! It's Y/n, okay? Leave me alone now."

"Alrighty Miss Y/n," he leans his head back into the very left side of the couch, kicking his legs on top of my lap and crossing them, "It's Mail Jeevas. But that's fucking embarrassing, so please, call me Matt."

"Was that really necessary? Ow!" I try pushing his legs off of me with force, and he resists by kicking me in the face.

"Oops...." Matt laughs nervously, as I look him straight in his eyes and groan, getting off of the couch.
"I'm going to bed, you're being really weird," I mutter, walking towards my bed.

He immediately gets off of the couch and follows behind me.

"And where are you going?" I turn around and face Matt.

"To bed??" Matt acts confused but I know damn well the cliche shit he's about to pull. I continue walking to my room, him still following behind me.

"MY bed???" I cross my arms and squint at him.

"What other bed is there here????" Matt smiles and sits on my bed.

I sigh and sit next to him as he snickers to himself. My face probably couldn't look any more aggravated than it already is, but I decide to play it cool.

Relaxing a little, Matt yawns and lays back, still on the side of my bed. I lay back as well, looking back at him. With nothing to say, we simply stare at each other until I notice his face getting closer.

His eyes wander down to my lips, until there's barely any space between us. His eyes then start to slowly close, and it's pretty clear what he's about try to do. Smiling, I put my hand on his lips before his lips can meet mine. Matt opens his eyes and looks a little confused.

"Matt... Tonight has been fun, meeting you and all, but don't think I forgot about how you stole my car. You literally left me stranded out there for an hour. I already had a pretty hard work day, and it was pretty cold out there, so let's save that for later." I take my hand off his surprisingly soft lips, and stare at the ceiling.

"'Save it for later', huh?" He smirks and sits back up on my bed. "Are you implying that we'll eventually kiss, just not at the moment?" Matt asks.

I open my eyes and sit back up on my bed as well. Moving towards him, I respond, "We'll see what happens, Matt." When I'm close enough, I lean my head on his shoulder.

"And who knows..." I put my hand on top of his. I would have expected him flustered and blushing by now, but his smug look only grew, as he looks at me, eyes half-lidded. "Maybe it'll happen sooner than you think," I say leaning into him. He looks at my lips yet again, then back up into my eyes. Wow hot.

"Oh-- and Matt?" I look into his eyes, still leaning into him.

"Hmm?" He snaps out of his trance.

"Back to that question you had before.. 'What other bed is there here?'" I say as the smile on my face widens.

"Yeah? This is the only bed here, I know, that was stupid, I just needed an excuse to-" I cut him off by quickly standing and pushing him with great force off of my bed, face first, down into the floor.

"There's a perfectly comfortable bed on the floor bitch," I laugh harder than I should've at Matt. To my surprise, he starts laughing as well, and we're both left in tears.

After laughing about the situation for a few minutes, we finally settle down.

"You win, whatever lady," Matt says laying his back on the floor and yawning.

"Goodnight, Matt," I turn off the lamp and blow him a kiss. He pretends to catch it and winks. Then he closes his eyes and whispers, "See you in the morning, Y/N."

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