Chapter 4: You Again?

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Life without Matt has been very uneventful. It had seemed like Matt was the only interesting part of it, and I had driven myself bored, so I finally decided to text him. I had absolutely no problem finding in my contacts, considering the name he put in for himself.


🥵 #1 Hottest Sexiest Sugar Daddy  ( Matt ;) )


                            Matt this is you isn't it?


Have you finally decided
to ask me out?

                          Isn't that supposed to be
                                             the guy's job?


I'm with Mello right now

We're about to do some
secret sketchy mafia shit
talk to you later 😘

                                   "Real smooth Matt"



Leaving me on read, real smooth Matt. I'm gonna go to some nearby bar and get some chicks or something.


So I arrive to this sketchy bar, which bearly has any light. I see a lot of huge and muscular scary men sitting around the main area, and so I take a seat next alone in the corner. I guess no hot chicks for me tonight.

I order a margarita and sip, checking my notifications, still nothing. I've never really had boy problems before, but for a whole year, I've been doing not so hot in my love life.

I would have thought that Matt and I would be going out with each other by now, but I guess when he's in the mafia it makes it harder. I take another sip of the margarita, half full now, and get a little too lost in my thoughts about Matt. So lost that I freaked out when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I would've expected Matt, of course.

It wasn't Matt. It was a much scarier man.

This was the very man who had stopped Matt from kissing me at the perfect moment, the salty man who had dragged him out of the diner for mafia shenanigans. And Matt had told me that he had mafia shit to do. And with Mello? I guess he's not with him anymore, since it was just us at the bar.

"Oh, it's you again," Mello said in an annoyed tone.

He had a drink in his hand, and by the looks of it, it was some kind of cocktail. I never expected to see him around here. He's definitely pretty scary, and since I'm in contact with Matt, I'll have to get used to seeing him around sometimes. Might as well talk to him.

"Uhhhm yeah, Mello right?" I say nervously and I awkwardly smile at him, still nervous by his presence. Lucky for me, I'm not drunk, otherwise I would've forgotten who he was and hit on him.

A few drinks later...

"I know right!!!?!!?!! Then I pulled out my glock and shot the dude in a rival gang in some alleyway because he called me a pretty gir-" Mello drops to the floor midsentence, completely wasted as I hysterically laugh at him. Also pretty wasted, I drop to the ground with him.

"Ya tebya lyublyu mommy," Mello drowsily spoke, his voice slightly muffled, with his face flat on the floor.

I laugh even harder at him. "Matt!!!???? Oh my??!!?!?!?!?!? What- What does that even mean, Matty??!!!"

"I'M MELLO you moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It means I love you," he shuts his eyes, drowsy, "mommmyyy." Mello falls asleep, snoring on the bar floor. Damn, he must have mistakened me as his mom. Poor guy.

I start to pull his heavy ass up from the floor, and drag him to my car. He obviously had more to drink than me, but I was in no position to drive.

"Melloooooo wake yo ass up," I whisper while shaking him from his shoulders. He was seated in the passenger seat in the car, even though I was definitely not gonna drive due to the state I was in at the moment.

"Mello. Wake. Up." I say a little louder.

"Uguhhhghggh go away Matt I'm busy, will you ever shut up about Y/N you little сука???? I sent you my location already now shut your annoying ass uughuguuuppp.." Mello growls in his sleep.

"MELLO. IT'S LITERALLY ME. Y/N. And you sent him your location??? Why would you ever betray me like that Mells!!!??" I loudly cry at him while I shake him by his shoulders, back and forth, harder this time.

"He should be onn his way right..." Mello opens his eyes and shouts, "NOW!"

I start screaming and bury my head in my hands, trying to hide from whatever happens next thanks to stupid ass drunk Mello.

"Kiddinnggg!!!!!" Mello punches my shoulder and starts chuckling. His laughter doesn't last for long after he soon realizes something.

"Well.. Maybe the first part wasn't a joke. I sent him my uhhhh... location like um 15 minutes ago when you were hitting on the bartender, ordering more free shots for us." Mello says a little ashamed, as he hangs his head down in embarrassment. 

"Mihael. Keehl. And why- just why would you do that," I start to tear up, as I feel the drinks finally getting to my head.

"You guys neeed to just hook up alreadyyyyy," Mello smirks at me until we turn to the window that the strange man is tapping on. Mello rolls the window down to get immediately snapped at by Matt.

"Y/N?! I came as soon as I heard, I took a cab. What are you guys doing in Y/N's car? Together? Alone? And you're both drunk? Well Mello, obviously more than you, sweetheart, but still. Imagine what you guys would have done in here!!! Without ME!!?!?!?!?!!" Matt yells frustrated as he opens the door on Mello's side and pushes him out of my car.

Mello groaned, whispering curses in Russian, and lay flat on the parking lot ground. 

Some drunk blonde chick walked out of the bar, picking him up, giggling and talking to him. I couldn't really tell what she looked like since my vision was blurring, but she sounded oddly familiar. They start laughing together and he takes her hand, leading her back into the bar. I can only imagine what will happen afterwards, but I snapped out if it when Matt reached for my hand.

"Y/N? Did Mello um... try... anything with you tonight?" Matt says concerned.

"Why yessssss, we had so many drinks together, we sang some songs, talked about this one guy he shot in an alley-" I said smiling, I could honestly go on for days.

"I mean, did he... you know-" I cut Matt off for cutting me off.

"Noooooooo!!!! He's like my best friend now!!! We're bffs for life!!!" I practically screamed at poor Matt. Someone's jealous.

"Uh huh.. Okay I should get you home. You've had way too much fun tonight, and didn't even bother to invite me!" Matt crossed his arms.

"You left me on read bitch! And you even said you were doing mafia shit with Mello. You are just a jealous fake ass bitch liar!!!! Do you THINK that I would I invite a liar? Oh you are soooo full of it, Matty. The AUDACITY!!!!!!!!!!" I snapped back at him.

"Well, maybe that was really an excuse since I'm too scared to ask you out, and now I can't even do that tonight because I know you'll just forget we even had this talk in the morning. I know what you said isn't really you, Y/N. You're drunk as fuck. Let me drive you to your apartment now Y/N, I've said too much," he said switching seats with me, and starting up my car.

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