Chapter 11: Sick

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Today, I woke up, and I regretted it.

Right away, my stomach started to sting, and I ran to the bathroom to throw up.

Spoiler alert: I threw up.

I called in sick right away, and made myself comfortable in bed. My boss said it was okay and to get some rest today. Thankful, I sunk in deeper into my bed, making myself at home.

I also texted Piper and Mello that I was sick just incase they wanted to hang out today. No response from either of them. Makes sense, because it's 6 in the morning.

I sigh and lean my head back on my pillow. I don't even know how or why I feel this way. It must have been something I ate yesterday, like that frozen pizza I ordered 2 weeks ago, or the expired piece of cake I ate. Now I realize why I got sick.

Bored, I turn on the news to see nothing but new criminals, kidnappings, murders in the area, and more shootings. Nothing ever changes here, and nobody ever stops them. Oh well. At least I have a decent love life.

All of a sudden, someone bursts through my apartment door and runs to my bedside.

"Y/n, are you dead?" Piper rushes over to me, checking how hot I am and putting her hand on my forehead.

"She's not dead.. yet," Mello rolls his eyes and takes a bite of his chocolate bar. How many damn chocolate bars does this man go through in a day??

"Guys, I'm okay. You didn't have to come all the way to my apartment, you could've just called or something," I smile, appreciating their thoughtful actions.

"Y/n?! Where is she?!" Matt screams as I hear his loud ass running through my apartment. He's in the kitchen right now, but I hear him approaching my doorway.

"Don't worry Y/n, that's just Matt's mating call," Mello says calmly as Matt basically breaks down my door, kicking it and making an obnoxiously loud banging noise my neighbors can probably hear. He also had a pistol in hand, which was way too extra.

"There you are, I came as soon as I heard. Mello said you were dying," Matt ran to my bed, and put his gun back in his pocket.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Matt tries to check my temperature like Piper did. "Are you pregnant?" Matt asks blankly.

"Mello? Was that really necessary telling him I was dying? And no. I'm not pregnant," I raise a brow at Mello and respond dryly.

"In order for him to haul his ass over here, yes," Mello finishes his chocolate bar, and stuffs the wrapper in his pocket.

"I would've came anyway. Any excuse to see Y/n," Matt smiles and looks over in my direction. "So what happened?"

"I had some expired pizza and cake last night, I guess I wasn't really thinking," I shrug as all three of them share worried looks. Even Mello is concerned.

"Ummm, Y/n? Do you have anything else in your fridge?" Piper asks.

"Wow. How did you know I was out of food," I sarcastically comment. That was correct, I had forgotten to go food shopping so that I could pay off my rent for this month. I was able to pay it off last night, I just put that off as a priority over basic human necessities.

"We are totally gonna take you out for dinner sometime, don't worry," Matt grins and pats my back.

"Correction: You're taking Y/n out for dinner sometime," Piper clears her throat and steps out of the room.

"I guess I should be going as well," Mello follows Piper out of the room, leaving me alone with Matt.

"Ummm, I would stay, but Mello left because Piper left, so I'm leaving too. Get well soon, Y/n," he awkwardly runs out of my room to follow the two.

Great. Now I'm all alone. I thought Matt wanted to tell me something sooo important last night. Now that he had the opportunity, he completely chickened out. What a pussy Matt is.

I spend the rest of the day watching TV, and laying down in bed, texting whoever will respond, that person being Mr. Matsuda. I started to feel much better around 1:00, so I decided to eat something left in my fridge that wasn't old and expired.

I should probably address what happened a few nights ago with Matt, but I shrug it off, taking a bite of my food.

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