Chapter 14: Double Date #2

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It was now midnight, and the four hadn't went home yet, along with the strange man watching them. Piper had gone to the bathroom, but while she was away, a flirtatious drunk girl had come to talk to Mello.

As these many events occurred, Matt and Y/n had been elsewhere, doing who knows what.

Meanwhile, a young lady around Mello's age stumbles towards him, and tries to engage in a conversation with the blonde.

"Hey you, so... so you seem to be alone here? And I don't see no ring on your finger," the lady moves closer to Mello, picking his hand up, and examining it. Mello quickly pulls his hand away from her, giving her a pretty ddisgusted look.

"I'm actually here with my girlfriend, weird lady," Mello rolls his eyes at the woman.

"I asked if you were alone, and I don't see no girlfriend," the woman is dangerously close to Mello by now. "And it's not 'lady', it's Leila," She smiles at Mello.

"Um... Hi Leila! Go away now," Mello mutters drinking more of his beer. Leila didn't accept a loss of a man that cute this early, and proceeded to try winning him over.

"Now just who do you think you are, talking to me like that, stranger? I am not going anywhere. I'm staying right... here," Leila says as she leans on Mello's shoulder.

Soon enough, she feels a tap on her shoulder and turns around to meet a pissed off Piper.

"Who the fuck do you think you are you fucking slut? Get the fuck away from my boyfriend," Piper coldly slaps her, and she falls to the ground.

"He's your boyfriend? Well I can change that really soon," Leila says confidently getting up from the ground slowly.

"Bitch. You don't even know what you're talking about, you probably do this with every decent looking guy at bars. And I'm sure none of them really fall for your stupid efforts in trying to flirt," Piper snaps back at her.

"Oh that is it. You wanna fight? Okay bitch!" Leila raises a hard fist towards Piper, delivering a hard punch to her stomach, as Piper winces. Trying to recover from the hard punch from the lady, she falls to her knees, and flops to the floor.

Groaning in pain, she pulls Leila to the floor with her, and she gets on top of her, slapping across her face back and forth.

Mello is was way too drunk to understand what was happening, so he watched his girlfriend with confusion.

"Don't you ever talk to him again you fucking whore," Piper says delivering a final slap to her reddened face.

"Oh yeah? Make me," Leila says coldly, pushing Piper off of her, and kicking her in the kneecap, making her retreat once again to the floor.

Leila starts repeatedly kicking her in the stomach, as Piper lays on the ground, taking the hits.

"Awww is the pretty blonde girl gonna cry? You're probably a fake blonde anyway. Will you finally back the fuck off and leave us alone now?" Leila comments, her hits becoming even more painful to Piper.

Leila turns around, going back to her bar seat next to Mello.

Piper struggles to get up, but eventually does as she sees Leila go back to Mello.

"Oh that is it, you're coming with me bitch," Piper says dragging Leila by the hair, screaming and fighting her off as they make their way into the girl's bathroom.

Mello remains in his seat at the bar, hearing a loud slam from a bathroom stall. He wonders where Matt and Y/n went off to. He hadn't seen them in forever.


A couple of minutes pass, and Mello is still waiting for any one of his friends to come back to take him home. It was already midnight, and he was completely alone in the bar, besides the strange and sketchy man still seated behind him.

He turns around to get a look at the creepy man, but is interrupted with a loud door opening.

Currently, Leila is struggling to run from Piper, as she races her to the door. The bar door opens, and the sight of Leila running off is clear to Mello.

"Oh forget it, you know you lost, you pussy. See ya!!!" Piper shouts at the bruised lady, running for her life out of the bar.

"Have you seen Matt and Y/n? They've been gone for sooo long," Piper says rolling her eyes, returning to her spot next to her boyfriend. He groans in response, wasted out of his mind to even say some nonsense in Russian.

"When I was beating that Leila's ass in the bathroom, I swear I could hear something in another room, perhaps the men's restroom," Piper comments.

"Ehhh, I don't know, want me to go check it out?" Mello asks, getting out of his seat.

"Go right ahead, but if their fucking, let me know. I'll fucking die of laughter if Y/n has her first time in a bathroom stall," Piper laughs, as Mello approaches the bathroom.

It's only approximately thirty seconds later before Mello comes back to Piper.

"Oh wow, you're back early. We're they in there?" Piper questions Mello.

"I.. It's not really my place to say it," Mello says quietly, sipping more of his drink.

Piper groans in response, only to be greeted with a door opening a few minutes later.

"Oh! There they are, Mells!" Piper happily wakes out of her bored state.

Y/n has Matt holding her shoulders, one hand on her waist. They struggle to walk to the bar, as Piper looks to them, confused.


{ 🍋 Warning next chapter ;)))))) }

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