Chapter 22: Last Chance (Finale)

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Matt and I stare at the man in silence, as he gives us a blank look back.

"Look, I'm here for one reason only, so I'm gonna get to the point right now. I was sent here to kill you. I have been watching you both for a long time, and I think it's time to execute orders," the man says.

"Who sent you?" Matt asks the man.

"Gang. You and the deceased Mihael Keehl killed our leader, that night," the man says annoyed.

How are we going to run away now if some guy that's been stalking Matt and Mello is gonna kill us? Right now?  Might as well make a run for it.

As if me and Matt were telepathically communicating, we both make a run for the door.

"What the fuck? Just let me do my fucking job," the man yells out as he follows us, dashing out of the apartment.

Matt slams the door in front of his face and locks it with the spare key he has.

"You know I can unlock the door from inside right?" the man calls out as me and Matt run away getting a head start.

After a few seconds, the man follows us out of the apartment, but before he can get us, we jump in Matt's Camaro.   Thanks to Matt basically being Mello's getaway driver, he drives fast right away.

The man still trails behind us with his motorcycle though, but thanks to Matt's getaway driver habits, we're way ahead already.

"Y/n, we probably aren't going to make it out of here, considering this is our final chance, but just know that I've always been in love with you. That will never change, even if one of us lives, or we both die," Matt looks at me in the passenger's seat, absolutely freaking out. But hearing his words definitely calmed me down a little.

"To be honest, I'm kinda glad you decided to steal my stupid car that night. And I know that we probably aren't gonna make it here, but I can't help but really want that new life with you. I feel exactly the same, Matt. I think I love you too," I don't even hesitate to say how I feel back to Matt.

"We should be able to escape him and get that life you want. I just want you to be happy with me, and if that means starting over, I'm fine with that. But I can't help but wonder how long he's going to keep following us," Matt mutters the last part.

"We'll escape him somehow. We can't die today, we need so much more time together, and I can't help but-" I am quickly cut off by the sounds of gunshots.

I then then around to face the man on the motorcycle, who stopped to shoot our back tires. The car then slows down, as he fires more shots until the vehicle completely stops.

"Shit," Matt curses hopelessly, "is it time we just give in?" Matt looks over to me, losing hope by the seconds.

I don't know how to respond, considering how much I want to be with him for just a little longer.

"No. I want to try to make it out if here, even if that means dying next to you," I say placing my hand in his.

"Then I guess our only option is to run," Matt says.

Right now, we're on a bridge, where there is water beneath us. We can risk it and jump, or just keep running to the nearest forest.

I get out of the car first and start bolting towards the forest, deciding not to risk jumping.

Matt immediately follows me, but I'm still in the lead. Meanwhile, the man behind us is still in the same spot. Maybe he just decided to let us go finally?


The sound of another gunshot is heard, and I'm almost to the forest.

I turn around to be sure Matt is still close behind me, but I freeze seeing him holding his side.

He had been shot in the hip, which makes it even harder for him to run. Still, he tries keeping up with me as I run towards him to hold him up.

But then, another shot is heard, and Matt drops to the ground.

"Damn it, fucking guns," the man curses in anger.

He seems to be out of bullets to fire at us, as he tries to reload again and again.

"Y/n, you can make it without me. Find someone new in the next town, city, whatever. Just please, do me a favor and leave me here," Matt whispers, still flinching from the shot.

"No, I will not just leave you here! Please, he's out of bullets, we can still make it out," I try to grab his hand and pull him up, but he's refusing to get up.

"Matt, snap out of it. I am not going anywhere without you," I start to tear up seeing him like this.

"No, I want you to live, even if that means I have to die," Matt whispers under his breath.

Hearing Matt say this really changed my mind. I know what I have to do now, and he can't stop me.

"Fine. I will do what I need to do. I will do what's right for both of us, Matt. Trust me on this one," I whispers back to him.

I know this is going to be the last time I will ever see him, so I take the opportunity to kiss him, one last time. The kiss was long, but not too passionate considering the state Matt was in right now.

He isn't gone just yet, but he's getting weaker by the minute.

Pulling away, I press a kiss to his hand and walk away.

"Well, wasn't that touching. I could just let you go since it was really Matt and Mello I was after. Now that he's gone, my work is done here," the man walks towards me.

"No. I want you to kill me right now, or I'll do it myself. If he's dying today, then I'm dying too," I walk towards the man as well.

"Well I suppose it's for the best. You really are in love with this criminal huh? There's nothing special about him, yet you would practically give up your life for him," the man squints at me as we are face to face now, Matt struggling to breathe.

"That's right, now just get it over with," I smile at the man, waiting for him to just kill me somehow.

"Lucky you, I came prepared,"  he pulls out a smaller knife from his jacket pocket, and presses it against my heart.

"Wait.. Y/n you don't have to do this," Matt whispers under his breath. I hate that he has to spend his last moments watching me die, but if that's how it has to be then I guess so.

"But I really wasn't going to let you go so easily. You know too much," the man grins as he stabs me in the heart.

Taking the knife out, he simply walks back to his motorcycle, driving off, as I fall to the ground next to Matt.

Reaching for his hand, I finally take a hold of it.

"He was going to kill me anyway," I smile lightly at him, feeling my breathing start to slow. I see his eyes close, as mine shut as well.

"Maybe I'll see you again soon, Matt. Goodbye," I mutter, finally gone.

"Goodbye, Y/n," Matt whispers.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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