Chapter 7: Clubbing

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Tonight was the night where I would go to the most popular club in town with Piper, Mello and Matt. It was a Friday night, so I had pretty much the entire weekend to be wasted and heal from the hangover.

I had more tables to serve, so I made sure to finish taking those orders. I still remember that one couple that I had seen a couple of weeks ago. The man who had proposed to the lucky girl in this very diner.

Yeah, they were here. I had to take their orders and serve them. I even caught a good look at her ring. It was beautiful, and had a gigantic, glamorous diamond in the center of the silver ring. He was obviously a pretty successful guy, and I could tell he would treat her right.

I remember that wave of jealousy I had gotten watching him get down on one knee. Not because I wanted him to propose to me instead, not even that. In fact, I wanted somebody to have hope in. Hope that the same would happen to me someday with this person.

But not in this diner, of course. This is the diner where I have to get back to work in. Now. And to stop daydreaming about love in as well.

I take the couple's orders out to them and serve more tables.

It wasn't my turn to close the diner tonight, so I was going to get my bag and leave. I remember the address to the club but I feel like I'm forgetting something else for absolutely no reason.

Oh right. I'm still in my uniform.

I remember packing an extra dress for the club that was my favorite color, so I went to the bathroom and threw that on instead, putting my uniform elsewhere. I think I need a little more eyeliner though.

I brush on more eyeliner and mascara. I find the right lipstick color in my crowded bag and smear that on as well. Once I'm confident in the look, I head out to my car and drive off to the club.

I arrive to find Mello and Piper already there, drinking some kinda weird colored alcohol. They're probably gonna get drunk out of their minds again.

"Don't get totally drunk and forget you fucked each other again," I sneer at them as I walk where they're standing, in the corner of a colorful club. There's flashing, vivid lights everywhere and music playing. A dj is up at the front of the club, with dozens of people dancing. Some just making out, but they don't matter to me.

"We won't this time, Mom," Mello sets his drink down somewhere. "This is all I'll be drinking tonight anyway, right Piper?"

"Uhh yeah of course. Me too," Piper says embarrassed, putting her drink next to Mello's, probably thinking about the previous night they had spent together. "Wanna go dance?" Piper quickly changes the topic, as Mello nods.

"Don't you wanna come with us?" Piper asks me. Mello's arms wrap around her waist, so I decide to let them have their cute little dancing moment.

"Nope, I'll pass, have fun though," I wink and stay standing in the corner of the club.

Mello secretly smiles at me, and I can tell he's thankful that I passed so he could have his night with Piper without a weird third wheel following them all night.

I snap out of my thoughts, as I see a familiar guy make his way to where I'm standing.

"Well hello there, Y/n." Matt smiles and takes my hand. He kisses the top of it and smirks when he looks up at me to see me blushing harder than he's ever seen before.

To be honest, I was expecting so much more than a kiss on my hand. I noticed he's taking it pretty slow for a flirty guy. I guess I could say I appreciate the way he's not as pushy as I thought he'd be at first.

Taking my hand, he leads me to the couches in the club, which are surprisingly empty. Everyone seems to be occupied on the dance floor, including Piper and Mello. I can see a glimpse of them dancing together, laughing with each other. They seem to make a really happy couple.

Relaxing a little, I'm still practically stalking Mello and Piper. Suddenly, they stop dancing and Mello takes both of her hands into his. I can see his mouth moving from this angle, but I'm not quite sure what he's saying.

Next thing I know, Piper is smiling and it is obvious she's saying yes. Are they getting married yet? Probably not, but I know for a fact I had just witnessed Mello asking Piper out.

Maybe Matt is planning to do the same tonight since we're all alone here.

Next thing I know, they share a kiss on the dance floor.

As I was watching Mello and Piper's moment, Matt had been ordering our drinks.

"Hey, Matt?" I get his attention right away.

"Did Mello say anything about finally asking Piper out?" I ask him.

"Well.. That's a secret," Matt smiles and avoids my question.

I don't know for a fact that Mello asked her out. He could've asked her anything, like if she wanted another drink or some shit. I'm totally asking Mello after tonight though.

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