Chapter 19: Kidnapped

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I woke up in a black room. I do not know why I am here, or how I even got here in the first place, but all I know is that I am here. My hands are currently tied together, and I am seated in a metal chair. The knots aren't very tight, so I manage to shake the ropes off me.

The only thing I can see is the dark walls of this place. I try to walk around, but the only thing I find is a bathroom connected to this room, which is irregularly small.

What did I even deserve to be put in a setting like this? I don't remember doing anything but steal from a gas station, and that was mostly Matt.

There's a door, painted pitch black, blending in with the rest of this room. When I try to twist the knob, I of course, can't get out. There must be some kind of code to get in here, since I don't see any lock hole.

Taking in my surroundings one last time, I give up and retreat back to the chair I woke up in. 


Matt's POV

I haven't seen or heard from her for an entire two days. She hasn't been responding to my texts either. Is she ignoring me? Is it because we kind of stole shit from a gas station and she can't risk getting caught? Or was she playing me the entire time?

No, that's not her. I know she wouldn't ignore me. There's something really wrong right now, I can somehow tell. But I'm not sure how or why.

First, I have to find out where she is, that could help. 

I look at my voicemails, and remember she left me a message once, not long ago. This could be valuable as to how I will trace her location, and somehow I will very soon. I just need to get Mello to help me first.

I manage to trace her location when she left the voicemail, and I with a lot of work and time, I know where she is now. She seems to be in some kind of gang headquarters, and definitely not coincidentally, it happens to be the exact headquarters of his gang. 

That night I met Y/n, Mello had shot a guy in an alleyway, and his other guys must have figured out he died at the hands of me and Mello. 

Suddenly, everything starts to make sense. I remember the man watching us all night, even though I managed to forget all about him when me and Y/n did stuff in the bathroom.

"Matt. I know you're sad because Y/N is ignoring you, but come on. You need to come out of that room sometime," Mello says through the door. He isn't the best at comforting people when they're in a bit of a bad mood, but he's only good at it when they really need it.

Just like now. 

I get up from my bed, and unlock the door, letting Mello in. He smiles, surprisingly after not seeing me for a day. I can't believe I'm actually asking him for a favor, but Y/n is his friend too, 

"Mello, I know I sound really crazy, and paranoid right now, but I just-- Y/n is in trouble, and I need your help," I state to Mello.

"Don't tell me you looked for her location with some weird hacking shit, did you?" Mello shot me a look.

"You know me too well," I roll my eyes at him, "but this is some real serious shit, Mello. She's literally in his gang headquarters."

"As in that one guy i I shot in the alleyway because he was such a fucking crack addicted--" Mello questions me.

"Yes. Now shut the fuck up help me find her. Please," I respectfully punch him.

"What now? You guys are going on some super stupid and risky mafia mission to save Y/n's ass without me? I'm coming along whether you guys let me or not," Piper frowns at us, watching from the doorway the entire time.

I guess she stayed the night or something.

Y/n's POV

This weird motherfucker of a man visited this freakish room and offered me water and food, a few minutes ago. I am really smart, and I do not desire to get killed here because of my bitchass attitude, so I politely took the food and water.

They gave me some really good looking french toast, but it had just came to me that they could have put some kind of poisonous shit in here to like kill me or something. Drugs, for short.

Just when I take the first bite of the surprisingly really good food, the door gets busted open by a certain familiar blonde.

Piper rushes in and attacks me in a massive hug, in which I return of course. 

"No time to stall, we have to go. Now. Mello and Matt are keeping the guys distracted, shooting who they can, anyone in the way," Piper looks to me, then the french toast.

"Yes, it was really reallly good if you were wondering, but anyway, we should probably leave. It's been nice for the past hour," I shrug and follow Piper outside of the black room.

"What do you mean 'past hour'??? You've been gone for like two days!" Piper explains taking my hand as we run towards where Matt and Mello should be. 

We catch a glimpse of a couple of men, scary looking men, shooting at Mello and Matt, as they see us watching the scene. Behind them is Matt's Camaro, which we dart to, avoiding the scary men.

"You get in the car, I'm riding with Mello," Piper closes the door of the passenger's seat as I look to her with concern.

"Wait-- Hold on. Get your ass back here, it's safer in here, where, ya know, you can't like get shot at???!?!?!!?" I exclaim at Piper as she ignores my calls, and she runs away, to Mello and his motorcycle.

Matt runs to my side, immediantly starting up the car and speeding away from the men behind us.

"Y/n, I am so so so sorry you had to get involved in my mafia shit, this is the last thing I ever wanted to happen. Are you okay? Were they mean? What happened in there?" Matt frantically asks, a hot mess as he increases his speed.

"Calm down, I woke up an hour ago to a dude giving me the absolute best french toast I have ever eaten, and being bailed out by Piper," Matt manages to calm himself down just a little bit.

But the calm moment doesn't last for too long.

More gunshots are heard, as we pressume they miss, but soon, we don't hear a loud motorcycle trailing behind us.

We look back to find the gang members driving away, and Mello a wreck on the road. And not a physical wreck, but an emotional wreck.

They shot Piper.

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