Chapter 5: Mello's Love Interest

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I wake up in my room, still dressed in the outfit from yesterday. I remember being at a bar with Mello, and then I remember Matt driving me home. Matt kinda pushed Mello out of my car, lying on the parking lot floor. Then some blonde picked him up and I can't remember what happened after that. Who knows where Mello is now, but that girl looked oddly familiar. From then on, my memory is really blurry.

I brush my teeth to rid the smell of alcohol, and change out of my old clothes. If Matt drove me home, then he's probably still here, but if he was still salty about me coming to a bar with his best friend, he might have left.

I turn around to find Matt leaning against my bedroom doorway.

"Greetings, girl who got totally wasted with my best friend behind my back," Matt says carelessly.

"Go on, get mad, I don't care. But it's not like it was my fault that Mello happened to walk into that bar," I yawned, still sleepy.

"And it looks like it wasn't your fault when you didn't even bother to text me where you were," Matt walks towards me from the doorway.

"What if I didn't want to text you where I was because I didn't want you with me last night?!" I snapped back at Matt, walking forward to him as well. "And what if I needed a night alone, as a break from some boys who are stressing me out because I try to keep my composure around him, but it's kinda hard to do that when he's always flirting with me like nobody else has been doing for the past year??" I felt bad as soon as those harsh words fell out of my mouth. Matt's eyes widened, either offended, or regretful.

"I assume you probably don't want me around at the moment. Call me when you change your mind," Matt says lowly and turns for the door.

"No no, wait," I hurry before he can leave, "Please don't go, I didn't mean it. Sometimes I say things that I don't mean, all the time actually. But I really don't hate you," I look into Matt's eyes, watching him think.

Without any words, he captures me in a tight hug, and puts his head on my shoulder.

"Y/N, I'm sorry that wasn't like me, it's just that I couldn't help but be jealous," Matt mutters, head still buried in my shoulder.

"I admit, I was a bit jealous of that time you were with Mello at the diner, and I thought he was a girl from the angle you guys were in," I sighed and finally admitted.

"Damn, Mello really made us both jealous," Matt laughed and pulled away from me.

"I know, that wasn't like you, all serious like that. No weird nicknames or smooth talk," I laughed at him.

"At this point you're asking for it, hot shot," Matt smirks.

"What." My face immediately drops.

"What?" That look on his face grows even more.

"Hot shot?? That's new," I give him a look.
"Anyway, Piper should be back from her playing venue, you and Mello totally have to see her band play."

"Oh really?" Matt pulls out his phone, obviously about to call out Mello.


"Y/N..." I head a voice whispering in my ear after Piper's band plays. "Who's your friend?"

"None of your business," I whisper back to Matt, or at least I thought it was him. I turn around to see Mello.

"She looks oddly familiar, I think I've seen her from somewhere but I don't remember where. I need you to introduce me to her," Mello desperately asked. Someone's got a little crush, so I guess I'll help him out or whatever.

"Y/N?! You actually came," Piper walked over to where I was with Mello and Matt.

"Piper, this is the guy that stole my car the one night I called you, Matt," I point at Matt, but Piper seems to be eyeing the blonde.

"Uh huh... Sorry, hi Matt, Y/N has been telling me alllll about you," she grins at me, while I sigh and point to Mello.

"This is-" I had been cut off by Piper.

"Mello?" She knew who he was right away.

"Ohh.. Hi Piper." It had seemed as if Mello knew exactly who she was, as well.

"Uhhh... Do you know each other or something?" I asked them both, since they had been looking at each other suspiciously for the past minute.

"Well you see, Piper was at that bar with us, Y/N. After Matt had pushed me out of your car, it was Piper who picked me up and the rest is really a blur," he explained, flustered. It was uncomfortable seeing Mello look this way, especially for my own friend. Piper hadn't said anything yet, her expression was the exact same as Mello's. I think I got the message they were trying to tell me by now, though.

"I get it, don't worry," I reassured the awkward couple in the making.

"You sure? I don't think you know that we.." Piper tried to explain before I cut her off.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhh... I know you guys fucked you don't need to tell us. Come on, Matt, we have much to discuss outside. Nice job tonight, Piper," I pulled Matt along with me to the balcony, leaving Mello and Piper awkwardly staring at the floor, both red.

"So.. How was the band?" I try to engage in a conversation after the extremely romantic moment earlier.

"I really liked it actually, Piper seems cool, but what did she say again? I might have hallucinated." And just like that, the flirtatious, obnoxious Matt I used to know is back.

"I am not repeating that statement," I tell Matt, who is taking a pack of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket.

"Do you mind if I smoke in front of you?" Matt asks while pulling out a stick.

"Not at all, go ahead. Next topic," I try to make him ignore the fact that someone couldn't keep her mouth shut about how much I talk about Matt.

"No no no, we aren't done here yet, princess," I cringe at the nickname, "I might have heard that you've been talking about me? What's up with that huh?" Matt takes a long drag of the cigarette after speaking, but pulls out his signature smirk shortly after.

"Favorite color? Yeah, when's your birthday, too?" I ask Matt, still avoiding that topic.

"Probably red, February 1- hey!" Matt says as I steal the cigarette from between his lips.

Taking a drag from it, I return it back to him, with a blank expression. That was basically and indirect kiss, but I don't really care about that tonight.

After making more small talk, we finish the cigarette, and I started to get cold. So then we head inside to find Piper and Mello making out in a corner. Grabbing Matt's collar, I pull him over to where I was and point at Mello and Piper, who can't possibly notice us right now, too busy with each other by the looks of it.

We giggle like little girls at the scene, as he takes my hand, and we head back to my apartment.

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