Chapter 12: Finally

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Today, at the diner, I had a toddler's birthday party to attend to, and I knew it wouldn't be such a good day for me. Why me?? Why can't anyone else in the diner take care of them?? Why. me.

First, all of the kids took so long with their orders, and their parents were such jackasses. Just leaving all of their precious toddlers to me to tend to, and just sitting there, enjoying their little perfect lives.

They also kept spilling things like their drinks and their syrup. Whatever they could make a mess of basically.

Someone else in the diner had this random heart attack, and the ambulance took them away, causing a huge disruption and spreading panic around the diner. People, especially the children, screaming and crying out of fear, and me being caught in the middle of it again.

I seriously hate my days at the diner, but it was either here, or be a stripper at the bright pink strip club across town only old men and rich sugar daddies go visit.

The children's cake came out next, which needed to be cut and evenly divided between all 14 of the kindergartners and their parents. The forsaken kids kept making loud, excited, happy noises, disrupting me and the restaurant's peace.

I was just about ready to be finished with my shift, and I had 1 more hour to go. I can't believe hours here are as long as they are. I should really consider getting a real job soon, but I guess I'll settle down with this one for a few more months. Maybe even a year. Who knows.

I decided to give myself a little break when the business and chatter died down, and the end of my shift was nearing. Sitting myself down in the booth at the very front of the diner, I take out my phone and start scrolling.

The door next to my booth opens, and I hear the little bell that rings when people come in. Buuuut I'm on break, so I could really care less.

Ignoring the visitor, letting another server take care of them, I stay in my booth. Soon, I start to hear footsteps coming towards my booth, with nobody to serve them. I quickly look behind me, to find Matt.

"Matt? What are you doing here, my shift isn't over just yet, you're gonna have to wait a little longer. Sorry," I glance up at the man from my booth with a confused look.

"I know, I just couldn't wait any longer to talk to you, just us," he sighs and sits himself on the seat across from me.

This shouldn't be that awkward since we've already had some interactions for the past few days, but there's still something that needs to be addressed that both of us pussy out on.

Fuckk ittt. Deciding to bring the topic up and get the talk over and done with, I finally speak up.

"Soooo, I wanted to tell you something," I say propping my elbows on the table.

"I'm listening," Matt smiles and does the same. He looks entertained, unlike me on the other hand. I'm sitting here in silence trying to find the right words, because every second I'm with him, I'm afraid that I'm doing something wrong. This situation is definitely going to be awkward to bring up, but I might as well speak my mind with no regrets by the end of the night.

"What I'm trying to say is that I shouldn't have acted like I did that night at the club. For some reason, a part of me felt wrong, and I started feeling guilty for no reason at all. But what you need to understand is, I'm not even yours. You don't have to keep treating me as if I am," I glance up at him from staring at the table and fiddling with my hands the entire time.

He's smiling as usual. That stupid grin of his has took over my entire mind for the past week if I'm being honest. I've lost sleep over this grinning man, and it's not even that amusing to me.

He takes everything as if it's a joke, or if it's funny. It drives me insane, but everything about him, including the different, extra sides of him, makes me want him even more than I already did before.

"Well do you want to be mine?" Matt smiles.

"Do you want me to?" I smile back, knowing what he's about to say, he's just too pussy to get to the point.

"I'm alll yours, Y/N."

And just then, everything that didn't make sense before all came together. That night I met him couldn't have been a coincidence. I needed to meet him, no matter what. Even if he was the strange man who had stolen my car, and something else along the way.

I had lost hope that there was ever a chance of real romance for me. I guess when some people kind of drive into your night, ruining it more than it has been ruined, it just happens without a plan.

I can't imagine dating a criminal, though. He can be caught anytime, and even killed. There was always a strong chance of him being killed this whole time, but I guess he just can't die. I may even have to hide him in my own apartment, and lie to the police. Or he could even go away for a while, doing serious work. Killing people, stealing, being an accomplice to Mello, etc. I'm a little scared for the big risk I'm taking with this guy, but I'm pretty sure it's worth it.

Without him, I wouldn't have been able to meet Mello, and even though Mello gets a little moody sometimes, Piper needs Mello too. In fact, she probably likes him just as much as I like Matt. Wow, think about the double dates we could go on together.

All we did from then was stare at the other, we had nothing else to say to each other after all. We had already said what had to be said.

It was as if it was only us in the diner, or in the world, even.

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