Chapter 13: Double Date

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Shortly after me and Matt finally got together, we invited Piper and Mello to come on a double date with us to celebrate. The venue being the very same bar I met Mello at. Hopefully he won't get as drunk as he did that night and forgot he hooked up with Piper, because they might even do it again tonight.

It lowkey bothers me how much Piper and Mello do whatever it is they do alone, but that isn't really my business. I brush off the weird thought, and wait for Matt to arrive to pick me up for the date.

The date is supposed to start at 8:00, and it's already 7:50. Is Matt the kind of guy to be late to everything? Do I seriously have to start getting used to him being late to every one of our dates or whatever we do?

Just in time, I hear a car in the distance, and loud ass music blasting from its probably open windows. I hear rushed footsteps up the apartment complex stairs. He probably knows he's gonna be in trouble with me because of how late he is today.

Slipping on my shoes and waiting paitiently by the door, he knocks, and I open the door.

"Sorry I was a little later than I thought I would be. Business. stuff..." Matt says awkwardly as he looks at the floor, leaning on the doorframe of my apartment door.

"No no nono it's fine, you're fine, I get it. Just make sure you're not getting into any danger.. I would hate for you to- you know," I start to get slightly uncomfortable, knowing that every day Matt goes out, there is a strong risk of him getting caught or killed by a rival gang.

Matt, seeing my obvious stress takes my hand, and plants a kiss on top of it.

"You know you never have to worry about that, sweetheart. I have everything under control. Nothing is ever going to happen to me, now let's go on that date with those bitches," Matt smiles, pulling me by my hand out of the door, as he holds it all the way until we get to his Camaro.

The drive to Mello and Matt's shared apartment isn't very long, considering the short distance. We arrive within 5 minutes and knock on the door to get no response.

"That's weird, we're only 10 minutes late," Matt says as he pounds on the door even louder, just to hear pounding back.

We start to hear loud groans behind the door, and more pounding.

"Okay guys, cut it out, we're coming in!!!" Matt yells so they can hear us through the door, and starts trying to kick the door open. The noises don't seem to stop, as Matt's kicking gets harder.

"MATT. They're obviously fucking, I'll leave Piper a voice mail, a text, or something. Orrrr I'll just yell it through the door," I punch Matt in the shoulder then
I lean towards the door.

"COME OUT HOES, YOUR RIDE'S ABOUT TO LEAVE YOU!!!!" I shout loud enough, even louder than Matt's obnoxious kicking. Still no response from them. No screaming or moaning, just silence.

"Oh well, they can come to the bar whenever they're finished I guess," I say obviously so they can hear what I'm trying to say.

Cackling all the way to Matt's car like the horny, immature middle school boys we are, we get in being even later then we planned, but Piper and Mello are probably going to be more like several hours later. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't show up at all, being too occupied with other activities.


"Matt shut the fuck up and tell me how you even met Mello in the first place," I say to a half drunk Matt. I was correct about Piper and Mello not showing up at all. It was already 9:40, and they hadn't arrived.

"Well I was an orphan in Wammy's house in England, and we were really close. Then L died, and he ran away and all that shit, leaving me alone. Then a few years later, I managed to catch up with him, along with this other guy, Near. He's always been 2nd place to him in the orphanage, but it's not like that in the mafia. Everything always goes his way, and... annnd I got way off the topic," Matt grins taking another sip of his beer.

At last, Piper and Mello walk through the door, hand in hand, laughing about something. It had just occurred to me that I've never seen Mello smile. Unless he was drunk of course.

Matt's POV

A man has been sitting behind us this entire time, and I can't help but get a bad feeling from him, even though he's just minding his business. I'll definitely keep a look out on him all night, so I better not get too drunk.

Shrugging the feeling off, I greet Mello and Piper, and they order their drinks.

"So.. Why were you guys so late?" I ask Mello, smirking at Y/n.

"Oh yeahhh, I wonder why," Y/n plays along, flashing a small grin at me for a second, trying to contain her laughter.

"Shut the fuck up you fucking who're ass slutty-" Piper starts going all out on us until Mello cuts her off.

"Leave them alone, sugar. They'll be doing it anytime soon. Then maybe these virgins will understand," Mello whispers loudly to Piper, clearly so we can hear them. What a beautiful couple. I order more drinks for us, and look behind us for the man.

"Uhhh.. I have to go to the bathroom," I tell Y/n, and on my way out, I tap Mello on the shoulder to follow me.


"Sooo... It's just us now, 'sugar,'" I say with a smirk growing on my face.

"Yeah. Really funny," Piper says taking a big sip of her wine.

"How's Mello treating you? He seems like a pretty cold and salty guy to be around, fun when he's drunk, but how is he like with you?" I ask Piper out of curiosity.

"Well he's really nice, giving me rides on his motorcycle, chocolate bars, texting me to come to headquarters when he's bored, etc." Piper says smiling. I can tell Mello makes her happy, so I'll leave the couple alone for the rest of the night. Sober Y/n will at least. I don't know about drunk Y/n.

Talking about boys, and drinking more, we wait for Mello and Matt to get back from their suspiciously long journey to the bathroom.

Mello's POV

As Matt taps me on the shoulder, leaving to the bathroom, I assume I need to follow him. Does he seriously wanna talk about girls in the bathroom when we could be doing that here?

Rolling my eyes, I follow him to the bathroom without a word. I follow behind him as we stand in front of the bathroom mirror.

"What do you want?" I say coldly to Matt, who obviously looks somewhat disturbed.

"There's a man I suspect is following us. I can't tell what he looks like because of his dark clothing and disguise, but he's not giving me a really good feeling. What if he's from the gang? You know, the guy you shot in the alleyway was from?" Matt asks worried.

"I don't seem to recall, Matt. I shoot many guys in alleyways the time," I blankly say at Matt.

"The one who called you a pretty-" Matt tries to blurt out but I cover his mouth quickly.

"OKAY okay I get it. Now shut the fuck up, блядь, before I do it," I snap at Matt. "Now where is this guy?"

Matt pushes me off of him and leads the way back to where we were sitting at the bar. I look around, without making it obvious, to see a man dressed in all dark colors with a hood up, and sunglasses. I obviously can't tell who it is, but if Matt said he's been here the entire time, keeping to himself, he's up to something.

I decide not to tell the girls so that it won't ruin our night, after all, it would worry them too much.

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