Chapter 16: Sick Again?

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4 weeks later:

I had an off day at work today. I have been looking forward to this day all week, because Matt is supposed to pick me up around 12.

The only problem with that is that I'm feeling weird again this morning. Except this time, I might know why.

Immediately, I look for Piper's contact, because I know that it would be her, out of all the people I know would understand. Perhaps this situation might have happened to her after.. Nevermind.

I press the dial button once I find her, and I start to panic when she doesn't pick up right away. When she finally does, I sigh in relief.

"Piper? I need you to run to the store and get me something real quick," I ask her wearily as I climb out of bed.

"Mello's with me right now, so he'll have to give me a ride, but sure, what is it?" Piper replies, concerned.

"A pregnancy test," I whisper to the phone.

"Say it again? I couldn't hear you over Mello's loud ass chocolate chewing, sorry," Piper says loudly, obviously so Mello can hear.

"I said I need... a pregnancy test" I say quiet in the phone, yet louder than a whisper.

Piper, not saying a word for a second, asks, "What did you-"


I quickly calm myself down, and try to keep my composure. Mood swings? This must be the side effects of being pregnant.

"Someone's moody. Okay okay I'll get it. Come on Mells, we gotta buy a pregnancy test," Piper says to Mello, off the phone.

"Aнгел? Are you sure? Last time we used a con-" I hear a concerned Mello question Piper, as she immediately hangs up.

Beeping fills the room, as the line disconnects. I try to keep calm as I pace the room for a little bit. I'm not concerned that there's a possibility that Matt wouldn't want a baby. If anything, there's a 10% chance he would leave me if that happened. He just seems like the kind of guy to want a baby, and I can't explain why.

Currently, I'm waiting for Piper's arrival at 10 in the morning, as I feel myself getting sicker. I decided to sit my ass down from pacing my bedroom. I run to my bathroom to throw up, brush my teeth and my hair shortly after.

Just in time, I hear a knock on my door.


Mello's POV:

"Don't worry, I already told you. It's not for me, but it's for Y/n," Piper says as I start up my motorcycle again after she buys the test.

"If you say so," I respond quietly as she climbs on behind me, latching on to me. She hangs on tight to me as I speed off to Y/n's apartment.

I can feel Piper hanging on tighter as we approach a more empty part of the highway, and I speed up. She's never really liked motorcycles since there's a pretty strong chance of dying each time you ride one, but as long as I give her a ride she'll come with.

I smile as we arrive the apartment complex, but I see a familiar Chevrolet Camaro in the parking lot already. My smile quickly fades, as I realize how suspicious it is, that I'm here, in her girlfriend's apartment parking lot, and he wasn't informed. Me and Piper give each other a nervous look.

Matt, with a confused expression, comes out of his car walking towards us.

"What are you doing here, Mello, Piper?" Matt raises a brow at me.

"Nothing!" Piper comments a little louder than normal, quickly hiding the pink box in her jacket. It doesn't have any pockets, so she just stuffs it inside, talking with a hand in her jacket.

I try suppress laughing from this uncomfortable yet hilarious situation.

"Mello? Care to tell me?" Matt looks to me.

"She's just here to see Y/n," I decide not to snitch on the two of them to Matt.

"Well I'm here to see her too. I guess we can all go in now," Matt shrugs, starting towards her apartment door, as I know Piper is panicking at the moment.

"Oh. Um actually nooo we have business discuss. Very serious business," I say pulling Matt back to where he was next to me.

"Oh? Okay then," Matt pulls out a cigarette and starts to smoke it.

Piper starts running to her apartment door right away as I start to make something up to talk about with Matt.


Y/n's POV

"Piper, I don't want to do this anymore. I'm just scared, and MATT IS IN THE PARKING LOT?" I shriek coming out of my bathroom with the test.

"Yes! But it's fine, Mello is distracting him. He shouldn't be coming in soon," Piper reassures me as we wait for the results.

Then I hear my apartment door creak open.

I quickly hurry into the bathroom with the test, as Piper hides in my closet.

"Y/n? Where are you hiding? And why is Mello acting all weird?" Matt calls out.

I slide down on my bathroom door as I start to tear up. Why is he even here? And so fucking early too?

"Hiding in the bathroom are we?" Matt teases approaching the bathroom.

"Matt, I reeallyy don't know why you're early, but PLEASE LEAVE," I say as the loud ass timer blares out. That means the test is ready.

"What was that? Y/n? What's happening in there?" He questions tapping on the door.

Sighing and giving in, I open the door, revealing a worried Matt. With the test covered in my hand, I open it, showing it to him.

My eyes are currently shut, as I wait for Matt's reaction. I wait for him to say something. Anything.

"Oh. Well that's okay!" Matt breaks the silence and responds calmly.

"What is it?" I open my eyes to look at the test.

"Negative," Matt says with relief, "Even if you were.. I wouldn't leave. I just wouldn't be prepared, that's all."

I tightly hug him for my own comfort, as he strokes my hair.

"OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU PREGNANT??!?" Piper screams rushing out of my closet.

"NO," Matt and I practically scream back at the same time.

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