Chapter 10: Awkward

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Thanks to Mello, I am now in the most awkward situation with someone that I shouldn't really be around at the moment. We haven't had the best relationship over the course of 2 days, and either of us have tried to fix it.

I can't take it anymore, and so I finally decide to break the awkward silence in the car with low music playing in the background.

"So..." I have no idea what to say, and my mind is blank out of ideas.

"Yeah?" Matt questions me, awaiting for my response.

What do I say now?? I knew I was a bad conversation starter, but I can't even drag on the conversation now.

As if it was on queue, romantic mood music starts to play from the vehicle.


"You were saying?" Matt looks over at me, while driving at a rather fast speed.

"Nothing, nevermind," I quickly look away from Matt, turning to the view outside my window.

This city really is a nice place to live in. It's very pretty at night, as well. There's always something to do around here, places to eat, but most of all, the people. Out of caution, I accepted Matt's ride because I would much rather drive in silence than to possibly die at the hands of the city criminals who roam at night.

There will never be a time you're all alone.  That is, unless it's tonight. The streets were empty at this hour. So empty, it seems as if Matt and I are the only two people on this planet. There's so many people coming in an out of the diner, I'm never used to the silence. And what I'm not used to, is the silence in the car, besides the love song playing.

We are not even close to my house. I never noticed how far away headquarters is because of Mello's dangerously fast driving. That means I have to make myself comfortable here for some time.

A few minutes pass since that awkward interaction, and we are still driving in silence. The sappy love song has ended, and another one comes on.

Very funny. Is Mello controlling the music or something? Because this is just getting suspicious now.

I place my hand on the armrest console in order to relax a little bit. It remains there for a few seconds until I feel Matt's hand brush on top of it, and he takes hold of it.

His fingers intertwine almost perfectly with mine, as he continues driving with one hand on the steering wheel.

I sit there, flustered, still not looking at Matt. Does he know what he's doing to me? Probably not, since he's so concentrated on the road. It was as if he didn't even notice reaching for my hand.

He continues driving like this until we approach my apartment complex. I open the car door, deciding to leave without saying a word.

Just before I can step out of the car, he pulls me back in by the hand he is holding, and I am seated once again in this awkward atmosphere.

"Ummmm.. Yeah?" I question, confused as I am beside him in the car again.

"Y/n, wait, I just wanted to say-" Matt is soon cut off.

"Y/NNN!!!!!! GET YOUR ASS UP HERE," my landlord yelled from the top floor of the apartment. What did I do this time?

"Matt, I'm sorry, you can tell me later. I really  need to go," I say sadly as his grasp on my hand loosens, and he nods.

I get out of the car and walk up the steps to the very top of the complex to see Matt still in his Camaro, looking up at me. I smile and wave, as he pulls down his window.

"Have a good night, sweetheart!!" Matt yells, head peaking out of his car.

"Goodbye Matt," I wave at him from the top of the balcony.

"Goodnight Y/n!!!!!!!!!" Matt yells again from his car.

"Goodnight Matt," I shout again.

"GOODNIIGGHHTTT-" Matt is cut off once again by my shitty landlord.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, GO HOME. Y/N! I have been waiting here for you all damn night. You haven't paid your rent this month," he glares at me.

"Okay okay, I'll get the money now," I roll my eyes at the obnoxious man, and look down the balcony one last time for Matt, grinning as he speeds away.

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