Chapter 18: Criminals

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After that chaotic rainy night, where Matt's jealousy issues kicked in again, he decided to make it up to me by planning a night with just us. He didn't tell me exactly what to do, but he told me to only wear dark clothing, and to be ready for him to pick me up at about 8:00pm.

Following his pretty weird instructions, I wait by the door ten minutes after 8.

I watch as his Camaro pulls up into my apartment plex parking lot through the window, and I see Matt come out of his car, also dressed in dark colors and a black mask. He climbs up the stairs and knocks on my door and I immediately answer.

"Oh hi there, we have no time to waste, let's go, sweetheart," Matt says taking my hand and walking me to his car.

"Wait, Matt aren't you gonna tell me where exactly you're taking me?" I ask him, as he starts up his car.

"No time to explain, I'll tell you when we get there," Matt comments as the radio powers on, and an old cheesy love song plays, just like that one night Matt drove me home. That one awkward night where he held my hand out of nowhere. What was that even about? I don't know, but I'm not asking.


He pulls into a neighborhood, and we approach a couple of smaller houses, and he parks in front of the driveway.

Some houses are lined up, but still spaced out enough to the point where they're isolated and have their own space of land.

"We're gonna ding dong ditch all of these houses, come here," I can basically see Matt's mischievous grin through his mask.

Nodding, and following him, he hides behind a series of shrubs, as I walk up to the first house and ring the doorbell.

An older lady answers, looking quite cranky, and looks around.

"Who the fuck is out there? What do you want from me?" She tells out.

Matt starts to giggle, as I put a hand over his mouth.

Skipping to the house after the cranky old lady's, Matt rings the doorbell this time.

A teenage guy answers the door, looking like a frat boy out of a straight tiktok thirst trap.

Matt runs away, and the frat boy doesn't react in any way. He simply shuts the door and goes back to his house.

"Well that got boring really quickly. Come along, I have better things planned," Matt stumbles out of the bushes, and we hear a door creaking open to reveal that same cranky old lady who we ding dong ditched earlier.

"Are you two the wretched scandals who tried playing a little old prank on me?" The lady menacingly calls out to me and Matt.

We exchange nervous looks, and race to his car. Him being Mello's getawah driver knew to start driving right away, as we hear the woman's voice screaming, "Get the hell back here you God forsaken crimelords!!"

We hysterically laugh as Matt drives us off to our next destination, a nearby gas station. How dreadfully romantic.

The parking lot is empty, after all, who would be out and shopping at a gas station store at such an hour? We would.

We go in the store to find an girl at the cash register, who looks around 20. Matt goes through the candy isle and gets some chocolate bars for Mello, and sour patch kids for us. I get us slushies, but I wanted the cherry one. He also gets us soda from the freezer section, and wine, (surprisingly they had some.)

Just as I approach the check out area, I see Matt darting towards the door.

"Oh oops.. Sorry!" I apologize to the lady who looks like she's falling asleep, and run out of shop, following Matt to his car.

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