Chapter 8: Clubbing #2

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Piper and Mello have left me and Matt alone to chill on the couches together. After Matt ordered drinks for us, I only had one, but considering the time, I feel myself start to get drowsy. Despite the loud music and bright lights, I didn't get any sleep at all last night over thinking my life. I also get super bored easily, so that could be it.

Our drinks come, and I feel Matt shuffling closer to me on the couch. How cliche. Just as our legs are about to touch, Mello walks over to us.

"Oh hey Mello, fancy seeing you here," Matt smiles at him.

"Yeah.. Nice to see you too. Anyways, have you seen Piper? I haven't seen her in a few minutes," Mello says seriously. I never took him for the protective kind, but I guess you never know.

"Mello, she can handle herself. Trust me, we have gone out partying multiple times, and we have gotten separated. She always comes home alive and well, so just chill. She'll turn up in a little bit," I shrug at Mello.

"How can you say that? Girls like her get men staring at them from across the room, I don't want her to get hurt out there," Mello raises his voice a little.

"Ladies, no need to fight over me," Matt teases. He drinks a little more of his cocktail halfway through his sentence.

"Mello, I know you care about her a lot, but let her have funnn," I laugh as I also drink more of my drink.

"Whatever, you guys are no help," Mello scowls and walks away from us.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," Matt gets up from the couch, and I am left alone.

As soon as Matt leaves me alone on the couch, another man takes his place. He has mid-length, straight black hair, and looks around my age. At least he's not one of those creepy old guys here.

"What are you doing here all by yourself? You know it's dangerous here for pretty girls like you," he smiles at me. Wow. He's genuinely not as creepy as Matt.

"I'm here with some friends," I smiled back at him.

"Seems like they've left you here though, I could keep you company if you want," he nicely offers.

"Sure, if I don't bore you to death in the next five minutes," I comment as he stretches his arm over my shoulder.

"What's your name? You look really pretty tonight, well I mean you're probably really pretty anyway but," he starts to stumble over his words.

"Y/n, and you?" I interrupt the pretty guy.

"It's Touta Ma-" someone cuts him off.

"And who are you?" Matt angrily walks over to our direction.

"He was just telling me Matt, could you please repeat that Mr.??" I turn back to to the stranger.

"Why are you so close to my girlfriend? Get off her, creep," Matt walks closer to us.

I was a little surprised at his statement. I already know how scary he can get when he's upset, considering he's a criminal, but this is beyond scary. I'm not even his girlfriend.

"Matt quit it, he was just being friendly," I frown at Matt.

"Ummm I think I should get going, it was nice meeting you, Miss Y/n," the pretty man leaves from the couch. I can't help but feel a little sad.

1. He was hot.
2. I'm never gonna see him ever again in my life, and he was hot.

"Hey, wait!" I follow him from the couch.
"I know that we haven't really talked for long, but I kind of want to Mr.??"

"Matsuda," he smiles and gives me his unlocked phone. I type in my number and kiss him on his cheek. He quickly blushes and runs away.

What a man. I get a little caught up in the little moment, until someone, pretty sure it's Matt, taps me on the shoulder.

"And what the fuck was that all about?" Matt raises an eyebrow at me.

I was saved when I saw Piper walk over to our direction.

"Oh heyyyyy, Piper," I wave at her, signaling her to come over. My face clearly reflects an uncomfortable expression, so she rushes over immediately.

"Have you seen Mello?" Piper asks us confused.

"Well he was just looking for you earlier, he was verryyy worried about you. Maybe I should help you look for him!" I give her a look.

"No, me and Y/n were discussing a very important topic, actually. I think I saw Mello go... Over there!" He points to a random spot in the club as the worried expression on my face grows as Piper wanders elsewhere.

Oh he's mad. And that's bad because Matt mad or frustrated is the weirdest and scariest shit I've ever witnessed.
And I was going to say something that would make it even worse.

"Someone's jealous," I look away from Matt, so I don't have to see the look on his face.

"Whatever, I was just looking out for you, but you obviously don't want my help. Fuck that, I'm gonna go look for Mello," Matt mumbles and walks away.

"Wait!! Please wait, Matt. I didn't mean it," I try to run after him, but he's already lost in a crowd. I spent the rest of the night with Piper, and we finally found Mello a few minutes later.

He told us that Matt already left.

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