Chapter 3: His Girlfriend?

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The morning after I met Matt, he was already awake eating pizza. He apparently ordered it because he was hungry and I was still sleeping in the afternoon.

He left afterwards, and I still haven't seen him in a couple of days. I'm worried I'm never gonna see him again, but what did I expect from a criminal?

Today is just another shift at the diner on a Tuesday morning today, and the diner is pretty dry. I see a man in a fur vest and a striped shirt. He kind of looked like Matt, so out of curiosity, I move a little closer to the booth.

Another waitress is already taking his order, unfortunately, but I see a pretty woman with lighter hair beside him. I can only see the back of their heads from this angle, but just when I get close enough, the man turns around.

Our eyes meet, and turns out, it is Matt. I really thought I would never hear from him again, but I guess he's right here. He probably didn't come here for me, of course. He winks at me and I flip him off. He turns back around as the waitress who got their order turns back to get their food from the kitchen.

Maybe I should check on him?? As I get up from my spot to go to his table, he pretends to stretch and puts an arm around the girl next to him.

I pause dead in my tracks, and just stare. He has a girlfriend? Well of course. I shouldn't be surprised. Guys like him are probably never single. I was foolish to think he actually liked me from meeting me that night. She's really pretty from behind too, with her short blonde hair. Oh. I definitely need a closer look.

Matt starts to whisper something in the girl's ear, obviously flirting. She doesn't react at all, as he tucks hair behind her ear. He then turns around to glance at me, smirking more than ever. That's it, who is this bitch?

Storming my way to the booth, I catch a better glimpse of the person next to Matt.

Pause. Is that... A man????


Mello's POV:

"Matt," currently, I'm shaking him in his sleep, considering how late in the morning it is, "wake your nerdy ass up I'm hungry."

We have business to attend to a little later in the afternoon, and so I wanted to grab breakfast at that stupid diner he was talking about with a "totally hot chick" he won't shut up about.

He starts to groan and wake up, immediately slapping me away from him.

"Rude. Matt get your ass out of bed, I wanna go to that lame diner," I state literally dragging him out of bed until he falls to the floor. He's usually up already, but getting totally wasted last night, he probably wanted to sleep in.

"Diner? What diner? The one the pretty lady works at?" Matt's eyes immediately open, as he struggles to get up from the floor. I gladly shove him up and walk out of the room, completely ignoring his question.

"Get dressed, I'll leave without you if you take too long," I reply.

Riding on my motorcycle, we make our way into the diner, and Matt still hasn't said anything about a girl here.

"Black coffee please," Matt tells the waitress lazily. I haven't seen that lady Matt has been blabbing about all night long and I'm getting really bored.

Matt then turns around to look at someone, and as I'm about to turn my head as well, he turns back around, pretends to stretch, putting an arm over me??

"Matt what the hell do you think you're-"

"That's her, the girl I was telling you about," he whispers in my ear. I see what this bitch is doing, and I respect that. "So play along, this should be fun," he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.

Okay. This is getting pretty gay. But if he's messing with this girl, I would absolutely love to see some shit go down. I start to hear stomping behind me. I presume it's her.

Y/n's POV

He has girlish hair though... Yeah, no that's a man, "she's" completely flat.

"Matt?? Now why are you harrassing such a pretty man like that?" I slam my hands on the table.

"Eh?! You're in love with Mello?! Anyways, how you been sugar?" he takes his arm off of Mello, as I sit on the other side of the booth.

"That's her? Damn Matt, take good care of her. I have to go to the bathroom," the blonde says as he walks away.

"Come onnn don't act so cold around me all of a sudden. I still remember the night I met you, I stole your car. Pretty rebellious am I right?" the smooth talker says as he sighs and smiles.

"Matt, I know what you were trying to do with that poor guy," I narrow my eyes at the strange man across the table.

"Oh yeah? Remind me what was I trying to do exactly?" he leans a little forward in his seat.

"It's not worth telling you," I leaned a little closer.

"No no no, tell me," he moved until he was on the edge of his seat.

"You know it didn't work, right?" I whispered. We were literally face to face to each other at this point.

"Would it work if I did this?" Matt gently tilted my chin so his lips could meet mine,

"Ewww, real smooth Matt," Mello suddenly walked into our extremely flirtatious conversation, and had interrupted the perfect moment.

Matt and I immediately pull away from each other, clearly embarrassed. Meanwhile, Mello looks unbothered by what he just prevented.

"Come on Jeevas, we have some business to attend to," Mello rolls his eyes and signals Matt to follow him.

"But I have some better business to attend to over here," Matt says winking at me. I quickly look away from him, trying to maintain my self control.

"I mean serious mafia business Matt, save the woman for later," Mello scolds Matt as he drags him out of the booth, and out the door. "We'll continue this later sweetheart!" I hear Matt call out followed by a loud and obvious groan.

It had just occurred to me that they had left before the waitress could bring out their drinks.

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