Chapter 6: Piper

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I'm working my shift at the diner, and it is now closing time. I flip the open sign on the door to closed, but a familiar blonde walks in.

And no, it's not Mello, but his lover.

"Y/N? I have so much to tell you about last night," Piper made made her way to me.

"I don't think I would desire to hear about the activities you and Mihael Keehl had partaken in the previous night," I say annoyed.

"That's his name?" Piper asks confused.

"You don't even know his real name?" I raise a brow at her.

"Well... We were too focused on other things," Piper rolled her eyes.

"You guys are moving even faster than me and Matt, and we have actually spent some time together before getting right into it... which we won't do anytime soon," I say while cleaning up a table.

"But you've considered it?" Piper smirks and pulls a Matt at me.

"We'll see," I put up the rag I used to clean the table and grab my keys.

"It's so obvious, he's into you, you're into him, you're into each othe-" Piper tries to reason with me.

"Come on, shift's over, I don't care about him tonight. We're gonna spend all our money at the mall!!!!!!" I turn off all the lights in the diner, and open the door for both of us. We get into our cars and drive off.

Matt's POV

Who knew the mafia could be so boring. Mello is always busy with something, but still time to pull chicks. Well, one, but still. I don't think I'll ever be able to pull Y/N, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try.

I'm waiting for Mello in my Chevrolet Camaro, and as soon as I see him running out of the building, I start the engine and make preparations.

"Drive," Mello says still panting after being chased by much scarier mafia guys than us.

"What are you even doing?" Mello starts to get a little frustrated.

"We need getaway music," I say while trying to make the music system work.

"Drive, you блядь. I'll do that," Mello calls me a whore in Russian as I drive off, probably going at an 80, I don't pay attention to the speed limit.

I'm used to this, ever since I got into his mafia shit, he'd always make me the getaway driver. I enjoy my job quite a lot, actually.

We approach the hideout, as I turn off the engine and we walk in together. I hear Mello beside me taking a bite of a chocolate bar.

Y/n's POV

Me and Piper are currently in line to get all of our shit paid for. Piper obviously has much more to buy than I do, but she needs it if she has a guy... thing??

"Hey Piper?" I ask with a question in mind.

"Yeah?" Piper replies.

"What exactly are you and Mello?" I questioned.

"I don't really know yet, but I know we're getting somewhere," she smiles.

"Stop having a happy love life," I roll my eyes as she pays for all her stuff.

After I pay for all my shit, we walk out of the mall with countless bags in our hands and head into our cars.

I drive back to my apartment with all the windows down, and with loud ass music playing to annoy everyone driving near me at 11 pm.

Matt's POV

The room is filled with dead silence. I am seated at the lobby of mafia headquarters where there are numerous couches, filled with weirdly muscular men with women on their laps, or wrapped around their arms. Mafia dudes always have women, and I seem to be the only one without one. I see a familiar girl walk through the doors, and she starts walking towards me.

"Ayyyy Piper," I smile seeing Y/n's friend.

"Hi Matt, have you seen Mello around?" Piper smiles back.

"Well yes I have, whatcha trying to do with him while he's at work?" My smile turns into a smirk.

"What are you trying to do with Y/n huh? Bring me to him," Piper demands.

"I will. Under one condition: you have to help me out with Y/n," I take Piper's arm and bring her to the room Mello is staying in.

"I was gonna help you with her anyway, she likes you, you know? Maybe I'll take you guys clubbing with me and Mello tomorrow," she says.

"That works too," I open the door to see Mello sitting with a bored expression.

"Ay Mello, you have a visitor. Have fun!!" I push Piper in his direction and slam the door at them.

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