Chapter 21: Mourn

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Me and Matt had lost 2 friends within the span of a week. Now it was only us, and we were both mourning over the two of them.

We had absolutely nowhere to go without them, and even of we did, it wouldn't be as fun. No more double dates, spying on them, teasing them, etc. It was just us now.

We couldn't give Piper the proper burial she deserved since she had been shot by a mafia gang member, in order to rescue me when I was kidnapped. We couldn't notify any police or paramedics since Matt and Mello had been involved with that gang for quite some time. It would just get them in trouble, knowing they were involved in the first place.

So instead, we buried her in the woods across from the apartment, and I planted a couple of flowers around her.

On the other hand, Mello had a private burial, since his cause of death wasn't by some gang. Nothing looked sketchy when he died, so he was buried in the nearest cemetery.

I had been visiting both of them throughout the weeks with Matt, and we would always stay there for quite some time.

Now, Matt was more distant from me, and we wouldn't ho on dates anymore. I don't blame him though, because I've been the same.

"Y/n?" Matt asks me when laying in his bed with me.

"Yes?" I respond back, quieter.

"Did you want to go out with me today? Maybe to a park, or something?" Matt also asks in a quieter tone.

"Of course," I smile at him, as we both get up and get dressed.

Mello and Piper would've been coming here with us, but they can't anymore.

As we drive to the nearest park, I try to make up small talk in the car, to get our minds off of what had occurred this week.

The place he drove me to was a simple place where couples go walking together, where there are a bunch of paths and trees.

We walk hand in hand, in the comfort of the silence.

It was pretty close to Christmas, so there were some lights around us. But it was still evening, and so they weren't lit up. I hope I could come back here with Matt again when they were lit up.

It was the happiest moment that we had shared this week. All the way until I noticed the man behind us.

He was the same man from the bar, the same man who shot Piper. After all this time, he's still following us?

Matt turns around to see what I was looking at, and for a millisecond, he saw him too.

I don't know what we should do now, but we're definitely getting out of here right now. Making our way back to the car, the man stops following us.

"Matt," I whisper, "he's probably getting his own car to follow us around with."

"I know, I know. Do you just wanna stay here for a little while?" Matt asks.

"I guess it would be safer," I say worried.

"Hey, don't worry. I won't let him hurt you," Matt says placing his hand on top of mine.

Wrapping mine around his, we enjoy the comfort that we have in the moment, sitting in silent peace in the vehicle. My head leaning against his shoulder, none of us knowing what would happen next. But even so, I know we'll cherish every moment we have together, until the day we die.

"Y/n? I've been thinking. Why don't we just run away? We can just find a new place and new jobs, like normal people," Matt offers quietly.

"I think... I think you're right. We really need to get out of here. But where exactly should we go?" I ask.

"We'll just drive until we find out. We'll say goodbye to Mello and Piper one last time, pack our bags, then leave," Matt states starting up the car, eager to leave as soon as possible.

Driving with one hand on the wheel, the other holding mine, we make a stop to where Mello is buried first, then to where Piper is since it is near his apartment.

But before we make it into his room, we find that someone is already in it.

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