Chapter 9: Field Trip

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It's a Sunday night, and for some reason, I haven't been able to get out of my bed all day. Clubbing two nights ago really took something out of me. I didn't even get drunk or high, and the night was shorter than I thought after Matt left. Matt didn't make any moves, it was only me who had, and it was with another guy I texted yesterday, Matsuda. He's a really nice guy when you get to know him, really cute too. He's just a really busy man on the police force, so he doesn't have all the time in the world to talk to me.

Interuppting my thoughts, I hear loud banging on my door, "Y/nnnn come out of your apartment," I hear a frustrated voice through the door.

"I'm coming, shhhhh," I hurry towards the door and unlock it to see.. Mello??

"How did you find my address? And why are you here at this time??" I question him as he steps into my apartment.

"I'm taking you out, consider it a field trip," Mello says standing by my door.

"What? I'm sorry I just hallucinated," I raise a brow at him.

"You're my friend too, and I have to ask you something. Might as well take you out, get dressed," Mello says as he sits on the couch watching whatever it is I have on TV.

"How sweet of you. This is probably about Matt, isn't it?" I squint at the blonde.

"Well. I'm not telling you yet, go away," he shoos me off and I head to my room to change. After I'm ready, he takes me outside and gets on his motorcycle.

"Nonono I will not go on that thing, I will drive myself," I know for a fact Mello is one of those guys who drive way too fast on those things, so I decline.

"Pussy." I immediately get on the motorcycle.

As expected, he drives dangerously fast as I hold on for my life. Piper better be okay with having a 90% chance of death every time he takes her out when finally dating this man.

"We're here," Mello and I hope get off the motorcycle. He seriously took me to mafia headquarters.

As we walk through the main lobby, we approach a room with a black leather couch and several chocolate bars and guns. He sits down as I do the same.

Unwrapping a dark chocolate bar, he asks, "So what exactly are you and Matt, I've seen how you two... behave.. around each other..."

"Well we are friends, obviously. Matt has a crush on me, and I have a crush on Matt." I shrug.

"Seriously?? That's not a friend thing. Just fuck already," Mello rolls his eyes and takes a bite of his dark chocolate bar.

"Now is not the time for fucking, Mello," I roll my eyes back at him.

"WHAT NOW? YOU WANT Y/N TO FUCK YOU? Okay that's just messed up, man. You already have a chick," Matt runs towards Mello.

"NO means NO. Now get away from her," Matt pushes Mello to the ground as he groans in pain.

"Matt. Chill, he just said something about... someone else.. fucking me..." I try to make an excuse for Mello so he doesn't get beaten up more.

"Okay whatever, I'm leaving now," Matt walks out of the room.

"Where the fuck did he come from?" I ask Mello, who got up from the ground and sat on the couch again.

"Who knows, but where were we?" Mello avoids the question.

"I don't know what we are. He kind of got mad at me at the club for talking to another really cute guy," I reply.

"I see, Matt's jealous of any guy who looks at you, including me. And I have a girlfriend," he says unbothered.

"You finally asked Piper? I knew it! I saw you guys stop dancing at the club and I assumed that you did," I state excitedly.

"Yeah, Matt was supposed to ask you last night too," Mello shrugs, "but I guess you had other men to attend to."

"Seriously? You had to spoil the surprise?" I reply unamused.

"Well I don't know if he's gonna ask you after what happened at the club, but good luck with that. You may leave now," Mello says finishing his chocolate bar.

"You're literally my ride, come on," I roll my eyes at Mello. He's definitely funner to be around when he's drunk.

"Oh right. Ask Matt to give you a ride home, then," he gets up and pushes me to the door, slamming it after I'm out. Great. It's either Matt or walk home on this cold night. It's very dangerous to walk home alone in this city. There's a lot of crime, and knowing most of it happens at night, you should never be alone.

I look around at my setting, and see a man peeking from a corner. He's looking directly at me, as it he's been watching me for a while.

"Matt? Have you been listening to us the entire time?" I walk over to the corner he's been standing at.

"Ummm... So you needed a ride?" Matt awkwardly smiles at me.

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