CH. 1

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Friday: August 31, 2012

Dear diary,

Another summer has passed. This one far better than the last full of supernatural drama and lover spats between Klaus and I. It has been a dream come true to live so peacefully for the last six months. No vampire war, no witch's curse, no Mikaelson bickering. It has been bliss for me personally despite the hardships I knew everyone else was facing.

Klaus and Elijah weren't speaking despite residing in the same house. Didn't bother me. If they weren't talking, they couldn't fight. Elijah and I share the bare minimum of conversation about Hope, mainly around nights of the full moon when we both go to take Hope to Hayley. Rebekah was on a different continent. Klaus rarely checked in with her so the bitch was finally out of my hair. Freya speaks to her about leads to save Kol and that's all I knew. Freya has been a saint. She watches Hope majority of the time while I'm at school, which started back up last week. The eldest Mikaelson babysat because Klaus was either at a two hour session with his therapist or too busy working in his makeshift art gallery.

Yes, my boyfriend turned the no magic allowed bar into a gallery. He was planning to host an exhibit. Opening night was next weekend. He's been burning through art supplies all summer. And has been sneaking canvases out of the compound to take to the gallery. He's so excited but equally nervous for some reason. He wouldn't admit either to me but I could tell. He's been trying to brush it off like he didn't care how many people showed up or didn't or what the ones who did would think. He wouldn't even let me see any of his paintings, at least any new ones. The others he's had sitting in the study, I've seen of course. But I was so proud of him and I couldn't wait to see him full of pride on opening night.

In other good news, we were celebrating today. It was Hope's birthday. She is officially one years old. And the universe is on our side. The full moon is also tonight so Elijah and I planned for a sit down birthday dinner in the bayou. Featuring some minimal party decorations. Which of course got Klaus in a bit of a tiff. He wasn't going to be there. So he had wanted  to have a bigger party for Hope during the day. But he was going above and beyond so I had to remind him this wasn't a competition. And she's only one. She won't remember any of it. She'll just have the pictures we will all take and show her one day of her daisy theme party.

It was going to be a good day.


Friday, August 31st
11:56 AM

"Honey, I'm home!" I announced, entering the compound. I was in for a surprise when I found Freya in the middle of the courtyard doing yoga. I raised a brow as she turned to look at me with her mouth agape. "Hey, Freya. Why are you doing yoga out here? I thought you used the study... And where's Hope? Does Klaus have her?" I asked the woman whose eyes were wide as saucers now. "What's wrong?"

"N-nothing," she choked out. "Hope's down for her nap. What are you doing here? I thought you had classes until one o'clock. You're early."

I nodded slowly, confused as to why she was being so weird. "My 11:30 class was cancelled," I shrugged. "Where's Klaus? I saw his car in the garage. What is he sleeping or is he in the shower or something?" I frowned, wondering why he hasn't come to greet me yet. He should've heard me come in, shouting.

"He... he's–" Freya began to answer me but was cut off.

"Right here, love!" Klaus' voice came. I looked up to see him leaning over the balcony with a wobbly smile that oozed nervousness. "You're early. What happened to your class?"

I chuckled, looking at Freya for a moment before heading towards the staircase. "My last class was cancelled. I was just telling Freya. I wasn't expecting you to be home either. You said you were going in for therapy. What happened?" I questioned.

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