CH. 23

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Tuesday, January 15th
1:11 PM

I was pacing back and forward in the kitchen, while Hope was across the room, in the dining area with my dad. The two of them happily enjoying their lunches while I was stressing over the fact I hadn't heard from my fiancé in over 24 hours. I left him a voicemail this morning and he hasn't returned my call.

The first hour that went by I figure he was being a petty dick, didn't even listen to my voicemail. By the second hour I figured he was busy and he just never got to it. By the fourth hour? I was concerned. And my fear felt justified as I couldn't reach Elijah. I figured if anyone knew where my man was it would be him. He didn't answer though, which told me he could be in trouble too... or he didn't want to talk to me for some reason, which meant Klaus was in trouble.

Then Hayley didn't answer. And my suspicions grew. Now I was calling Freya... voicemail. Or they were all dead! "What the hell is going on? Why doesn't anyone answer their phone?" I growled as I ended the call.

"Honey, maybe you should relax," my dad suggested to me.

I ignored him, calling Marcel. I should've started there. He would never ignore me. He would take my call and he would tell me the truth. And he knew everything about everything going on in New Orleans—his city. No one made a move without him tracking it.

"Now's not a good time, Dani," my dear friend answered on the third ring. "I have my hands full with the youngest Mikaelson brother. The other two are just going to have to fend for themselves."

"Wait, Marcel," I said, fearing he was going to hang up. "I haven't heard from Klaus since like 7AM yesterday... I spoke to Hayley yesterday afternoon and now I can't reach anyone. What's going on?"

He sighed deeply, "According to Cami, Lucien tracked Klaus down in the alley outside her apartment—"

"What was he doing there?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes, not surprised. Visiting his old friend.

"Getting his ass kicked apparently. Lucien beat him and Cami followed him back to his pent house. Klaus is holed away there. He's alive but I doubt he's doing well. Lucien demanded Elijah meet him at the Whiskey Cask bar, so that's where he should be now. As far as the plan? I don't know anything."

"How worried should I be?" I whispered, sliding my hand over my chest where my heart was racing. What was Klaus thinking? Why would he leave the safety of the compound and his siblings? My hand hurried to my mouth as I got a queasy feeling.

I leaned over the sink just in time to keep from vomiting on myself. "Danielle!" My father shouted frantically from across the room.

I continued to dry heave for a moment, ignoring Marcel and my father who were both worried about me. "I'm fine," I said, turning on the water and washing my hands and wiping my face clean after a few minutes, when I was finally done being sick.

"What just happened?" Marcel asked.

"I'm literally sick with worry," I croaked, swallowing the lump in my throat. I needed to go back upstairs and brush my teeth. "This used to happen in high school. I got anxiety before a school play or a big test, and I'd puke like right before. I guess... I'm just afraid for Klaus. I almost lost him recently and now again? Oh... I'm going to be sick again."

"You need to relax—"

"How can I relax?!" I snapped. "My fiancé is at risk. Is he not? How worried should I be?"

"Seeing as Lucien wants the prophecy to happen... very worried," Marcel admitted reluctantly with a sigh. I covered my mouth again as I gagged.

"I'm okay," I lied, waving my father away as he was approaching me.

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