CH. 17

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Sunday, December 30th
10:00 AM

I was sipping my coffee in my left hand, my pretty diamond ringing shining in the sunlight. It was a beautiful day for the bullshit we were about to deal with. My fiancé was walking beside me with a scowl on his face. He was carrying a small briefcase that had probably less than half of the dark objects Camille was demanding. I told Klaus this wasn't going to work, but then he shot me a dirty look that told me to shut my mouth. So I did. Because I was sure this would blow up in his face and I'd get to say I told you so in return.

"Ah, Vincent!" Klaus greeted, sarcastically cheerful. I lowered my phone from my face and my coffee from my lips so I could see. Vincent was indeed there, leaning against a brick wall outside one of the tombs. Yes, we were in the Lafayette Cemetery. That was Cami's meeting place. "I should have known Camille would seek powerful fools to aid in this rather futile gambit. As I send you off to join your Ancestors, just know this is her fault."

I put my phone in my pocket, ready to tell Klaus, Vincent isn't the one he needed to threaten. I didn't know him well, but I didn't mind him. He seemed to be a good guy. And I didn't encourage my fiancé killing people. Vincent's only crime was his bad taste in friends, i.e. Cami. However, my impatient lover, leaped forward to attack before I could process it. Except he jolted back, hitting some invisible barrier.

I snickered in amusement and he shot me an annoyed look. "What? You should've seen that coming," I told him with a nonchalant shrug.

Vincent smirked as he finally opened his mouth to speak, "I was hoping for a simple trade, but seeing as how everything you took can't possibly fit in that briefcase, I'm gonna go ahead and assume that simple ain't exactly your style."

"Why don't you take down this barrier? I'll show you precisely what my style entails," Klaus threatened, jaw clenching. Oooh, he was extremely angry. I didn't blame him, but we were going through with his plan. I thought that would keep him from being wound up.

"Seriously?" Cami scoffed, coming out of the tomb to face us. "I have an ancient, mystical weapon of doom, and instead of agreeing to my very fair trade, you're making threats."

"There she is!" Klaus screamed, looking at me and gesturing to Cami dramatically. I shot him a 'what in the actual fuck?' expression in response. I could see! And I wasn't in shock about this situation. She's a bitch and she did a bitchy thing, let's all be surprised. No, not I. That was reserved for party of one: Niklaus 'Drama King' Mikaelson. "Traitor to my family, thief of that which is mine."

Cami rolled her eyes, putting her hands on her hips as she put on her exasperated attitude as if every problem in mine, Klaus' and her life wasn't her fault. "Don't be dramatic. Like I said, I wanted your attention—"

"As usual," I snorted.

She shot me a nasty look then, her lip curled in disgust, "And, seeing as you're here, I'd say I got it," she finished, smirking as she eyed Klaus up and down. She was trying to make me jealous and get under my skin. But jealousy was reserved for someone who wanted what someone else had. And last I checked, she had nothing for me to covet. And I had the man she loved. I win.

"Yes, a rather effective tactic, one I usually reserve for enemies! And here, I thought we were friends," Klaus spat.

"We are. But friendships are built on trust and equality, and we don't have either if you're confiscating my stuff."

"And so your response is to steal what's his or should I say Hope's in an attempt to bend his will to yours?" I questioned, incredulously. "You need psychological help really. Klaus going to you for therapy? Talk about the blind leading the blind."

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