CH. 10

406 18 10


Wednesday, November 7th
7:02 PM

I laughed as Tristan jumped away from the stove as the hot sauce popped out from the large steel pot. He turned and gave me a pointed look. "It's not funny," he told me, grabbing a spoon from the jar of cooking utensils.

"I'm sorry," I smiled, still amused.

The man cracked a smile of his own, getting a scoop of sauce out of the pot and walking over to where I stood a foot way, leaning against his marble kitchen counters. I opened my mouth as he fed me a taste.

"How is it?" He asked.

"Really good," I answered. He smiled, putting the spoon back. He then nodded towards the exit. I headed that way to the dining room set for two.

Yes, I was over his hidden palace. It was gorgeous inside. This was my first time here. Tristan was making us dinner. Well, he had a bit of help from someone working in this place. Anyways, Marcel was outside, tailing me. Klaus' decision. He said someone needed to keep an eye on me and him at every outing. Not that there's been many. This is the first since yoga last Thursday. And Tristan and I were on again for going together tomorrow.

"So, tell me. How did your Halloween trip to your hometown go?" Tristan questioned, pulling out a chair for me.

I thanked him as I sat. "It was really nice, actually. The party was huge. Seeing my friends was much needed. And we had a good ole fun time," I answered.

"That's wonderful," he replied, sitting down on the seat on the corner so we weren't across the whole humongous wooden table. "What else is new for Danielle Rodriguez? Anything happening at school?"

I smiled, I really liked that he was interested in me and all my little mundane things, like Halloween and school. It was refreshing. Not to mention he was super polite and chivalrous. I could get used to this. "Uh, no, not really. School is school. But I do have plans this weekend... if you can keep a secret," I said, trying to hold back my excitement.

Tristan smirked, reaching a hand out and placing it over mine affectionately. "I'll take it to my grave," he said.

I blushed under his heavy gaze. His hand curled under to hold mine, his soft thumb rubbing the back of it. I licked my lips, looking from our hands back to his intense dark eyes. I was nervous. It felt wrong to lead him on. And it felt more wrong to even be with him. I wasn't attracted to him like that. All I really loved was his attention. He looked and spoke to me like I was the most important person in his life. A clear sign he was a sociopath. He did not know me well enough to feel deeply for me. Absolutely not. I just couldn't tell if he was trying to play me at the same time I was him.

"I'm going house hunting," I admitted. "I'm going to buy my very first home. Well, my dad is buying it for me."

Tristan chuckled, "my dad bought me my first house too. That was so long ago... they don't make houses like it anymore." I forced a laugh back. "But how exciting. Are you going alone? Do you know what you're looking for?"

"A couple friends are joining me in looking. Marcel helped me find a realtor who I met with Monday after school. She's picked out six places for sale in my budget and ideal locations. So I'm going to look all day Saturday and Sunday," I answered, grinning.

Tristan suddenly brought my hand to his mouth, kissing the back of it. "That's fantastic news, Danielle. I'm happy for you," he said, kissing it again. This time slower and... was that tongue? My eyes were wide but I didn't snatch my hand away. I was ashamed because as gross as that was, it felt good too. "Excuse me, I have to check on the food before it burns and we have to order takeout."

I'm Entirely Yours, Klaus (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now