CH. 24

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Thursday, January 17th
9:03 AM

I walked into the bedroom with coffee in one hand and scissors in the other. Klaus was in the guest room where Cami's body still remained, covered by a mere tan blanket. "Hey," I greeted my fiancé softly.

Klaus turned to me, "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

I furrowed my brows, "Don't worry, you didn't. A crying baby did. Then I showered. Talked to Freya who asked me to get a lock of your hair. Hence the scissors."

"Is that coffee?" Klaus questioned. I walked over to him, handing him the cup. He leaned down and pecked my lips. "Good morning, beautiful."

"You're in a... surprising mood."

He raised a brow, "I'm doing my best to behave, love. You're welcome."

"I don't want your best behavior. I want honesty. And I want you to grieve. Get it all out instead of piling it up for later cause it always comes out at the worst time."

"I'm fine."

I noticed his tone shift to one of repressed anger and his jaw clenched. 'Fine' my ass. I held of my scissors and he flinched away. "Give me a lock of hair," I said.

He rolled his eyes, sipping my coffee whilst plucking a curly hair from his head with his other hand. "There's an easier way," he replied with a smirk, holding it out for me to take.

I snorted, "less fun."

He scoffed, "What? You want me to chance a bald spot? You with scissors."

He laughed sarcastically then. I playfully hit him on the chest, taking the one strand of hair out from his fingers. "Um, hi," a voice interrupted us.

"Did you bring it?" Klaus asked as we both turned to see Hayley in the doorway.

She gave a slight nod, entering the room with only a small book. "Jack wrote down everything your father told him about the ancient werewolves. I've read it. I don't think there's anything in there that's gonna help us kill Lucien, though," she said as she walked over to hand it to my fiancé.

"I'll see for myself. You can go," he told her.

"Klaus," I scolded. "Don't be rude."

"Klaus, I think that we should do something about the body, about Cami. I know that she wanted an Irish wake. I can I can make the arrangements," Hayley said.

"It doesn't matter what she wanted! She's gone. There's no time to sing dirges. We're at war."

"Niklaus!" I raised my voice. "That's what I mean. You cannot take your feelings out on other people!"

"I'm not!" He shouted back.

"Okay, guys—" Hayley was trying to interject.

"Get out," Klaus growled at her the same time I spat, "Butt out!"

Hayley held her hands up in defense before leaving the room. I sighed, ashamed of myself. We shouldn't be arguing. "Give me my damn coffee," I said, snatching the cup from him then leaving the room to find Freya.

I headed downstairs to find the witch in the courtyard with Elijah. "Morning," I greeted.

"Something the matter?" Elijah asked.

"Nothing out of the normal," I replied. "Here you go, Freya. A curl from the stubborn one."

"I need a strand of your hair too," Freya told Elijah. "Is there more coffee?" She asked me, nodding at my mug.

I'm Entirely Yours, Klaus (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now