CH. 5

475 20 41


Saturday, September 29th
8:55 AM

I was panting as I walked through the living room, "Whoo!" I sighed, wiping my forehead of sweat. A soft chuckle caused me to look over. I raised an eyebrow at Marcel who made his way to his drink station. "We just went for a five mile run and you want a drink?" I asked him in disbelief.

"It's empty," he frowned, holding the glass up.

"Is there something in the bottom?" I questioned, squinting. He shook the decanter and it clanked around. He turned it over and something gold slipped out into his hand. "What is it?"

"Gold, owl cufflinks."

"Weird," I commented, opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water. "Ugh, who is eating all my yogurt? For vampires, my side of food is going faster than the side of blood bags."

"Where did this tux come from?" Marcel asking instead.

I looked at him across the room, standing in front of a tux hanging on his metal rack. I walked over to examine it. "Oh, these are fancy threads. But what's with this mask?" I snorted, thumbing the black masquerade mask.

A buzzing sound filled the room. I looked at Marcel who was pulling his phone out of his shorts pocket. Unknown caller. He smirked, answering and putting it on speaker for my benefit, "You wanna dress me up in nice clothes, all you gotta do is ask."

"I'll keep that in mind in the future, Mr. Gerard," an accented man came through the line. I held back a laugh as Marcel's face showed disdain. Not who he thought it was, I guess. So friggin hilarious!

"I thought you were someone else."

"Perhaps my associate, Aya?" The man questioned.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Aya, the vampire who kidnapped him last weekend? According to Marcel she mentioned helping him with his daylight ring problem and getting him to be king of the city again. But the help would come from this organization she was part of, 'The Strix'. Marcel said, he didn't get the full details because Elijah showed up and this Tristan fellow, the leader of said vampire faction got to talking and Elijah dismissed Marcel like a child.

"Clearly she made quite an impression. She is an exquisite beauty. And, in fairness, the violence wasn't my idea. Had you come willingly, none of that would have been necessary," the man continued.

"Is that Tristan?" I whispered and Marcel nodded. He then pulled out a business card from the inside coat pocket.

"So, this is your version of asking me something nicely?" Marcel asked Tristan. He handed the business card to me. It had an address, '7041 ST. CHARLES AVE.' and under it said 'MIDNIGHT'.

"It's an invitation. I believe Aya told you a bit about The Strix, who we are, what we're capable of. Every few years, we gather to celebrate our status as the most elite creatures in the world. And, in the rare instance we feel we've identified someone worthy of our attention, we open our doors."

My eyebrows raised. He made it sound so badass and boujee. My kind of people. If they weren't ancient vampires that could snap me in a million little pieces. Well, I guess that's still my people. Their sire is Elijah who I've been living with for over a year and dating his brother who is about the same age, a millennia or so.

"What makes you so sure I'm interested in you?"

"You haven't hung up the phone yet," Tristan quipped. Ooh, witty. I snickered at Marcel's face of utter annoyance. "I understand you've fostered quite a community here in New Orleans. We can offer you a global network: resources, access, power. You're a born leader, Marcel. Why stop at just one city?"

I'm Entirely Yours, Klaus (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now