CH. 12

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Saturday, November 24th
12:00 AM

My jaw was to the ground as my Uber driver drove off. Klaus was holding me with one arm, keeping me from leaving. "Are you insane?!" I screamed at him.

He let me go and smirked at me, "We weren't done talking."

I started slapping his chest over and over again with my one good hand, "Why won't you ever leave me the hell alone when I want you to?! Anytime I do want you, you fucking leave!"

He grabbed hold of my forearms, holding me at arms length so I couldn't hit him anymore. But that wasn't good enough. I raised my knee faster than he could stop it, kicking him right in his crotch. I was angry. This psychopath, yanked me out of the Uber just as I climbed in, he pushed and held me back while he threw cash at the driver, telling him to leave. A few hundreds was good enough to convince him.

"What the hell, Danielle?" Klaus groaned, knees buckling slightly and cupping his manhood. I shook my head and started walking down the road. There was a bunch of people in the emergency room, starting to gather around the windows and door. And even if they did get a security guard, it wouldn't matter. Klaus would just compel them away. "Where are you going?!"

I ignored him, pulling out my phone. It was on 10 percent. Great. I decided if I couldn't get an Uber I would ask a friend. So I called Marcel. It went straight to voicemail. Then I tried Freya. No answer. Elijah—no answer either. I even dated to call Hayley—voicemail. So I tried Freya again and again as I walked down the large hill the hospital resided on. It was dark and almost scary. I wasn't afraid of anything happening to me cause I could hear Klaus huffing and puffing as he followed me home like a goddamn stalker.

We had only made it a couple minutes in silence before he asked, "What? Are you going to walk home? You don't even know where we are."

"I have a phone with a GPS," I quipped, holding it up over my head. It was only on 4 percent now, but he didn't need to know that. Until it died, I was denying a ride with him. He's an asshole and I was beyond irritated. My hand hurt, my whole body was sore, a headache was coming on, and I was exhausted from sitting in a hospital for nearly six hours. I was starting to think six was my unlucky number. Six hours waiting, six months of Klaus' secret therapy. Ridiculous.

Klaus jogged to catch up and walk beside me, "Why can't we get back together?" I glanced at him, giving him a deadpan look. I didn't answer him though. It was a stupid question. "You know I'm sorry for lying. We both still love each other. Why can't we buy your dream house and let things go back to how they were?"

"And pretend like you never fucked up our relationship?" I snorted. "No thanks. Besides, how things were, wasn't anything you liked. Remember? That's why you were sneaking around in the first place, to complain about your boring life with me and Hope. Or was that just another lie?"

"It wasn't a lie," he sighed. "And it wasn't all bad. I was happy because you were happy. Hope was thriving. She loves and misses you, Dani. I love and miss you."

"Liar. You weren't happy!"

"Who cares?" He groaned. "You were happy. That's what matters to me."

I stopped walking, "Do you know how shitty I felt when I found out you weren't as happy as I was? Some days I could tell, you weren't okay. I made excuses like, oh, maybe he didn't like his new painting. I had no idea that in reality, what you didn't like was spending time with me. So don't tell me, my happiness matters. Because that was an illusion. All that happiness I felt, is gone. You tainted my good memories when you admitted, you faked it. I can't be happy if you're not happy. A relationship—"

I'm Entirely Yours, Klaus (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now